Ï Pakistani politicians and experts exchange the visions on importance of TAPI project

Pakistani politicians and experts exchange the visions on importance of TAPI project

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Islamabad hosted the conference “Strategic importance and TAPI gas line project for the region” organized by the Embassy of Turkmensitan to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan together with “Measak” Research Centre.

The State Minister for Parliamentarian Affairs of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Khan, General Director of Research Centre “Measak” Muhammad Abdullah Gul, heads and representatives of diplomatic missions, scientists and experts as well as mass media took part in the meeting.

In his greeting speech, Muhammad Abdullah Gul gave high appraisal to the importance of TAPI gas line, which is to united the nations and to support social and economic stability in the region.

The expert of Research Centre “Measak” Abdul Rahman Bilal made presentation dedicated to technical specifications of TAPI, its routes and financial subjects.

The State Minister for Parliamentarian Affairs of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Khan and other speakers noted that realization of TAPI project would enhance economic integration and would support peace and sustainable development in the region.