Ï State Committee on Fishing Industry of Turkmenistan is affiliated to the Ministry of Industry of Turkmenistan

State Committee on Fishing Industry of Turkmenistan is affiliated to the Ministry of Industry of Turkmenistan

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With the aim to develop market relations in the country, widen the business activities in the private sector and further supply of fish products to the internal market, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree:

1. To affiliate the State Committee on Fishing Industry of Turkmenistan to the Ministry of Industry of Turkmenistan

2. To determine the Ministry of Industry of Turkmenistan the legal successor of the reorganized State Committee on Fishing Industry of Turkmenistan.

3. The Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Industry of Turkmenistan are authorized:

1) in accordance with this Decree, to privatize the departmental enterprises of the reorganized State Committee on Fishing Industry of Turkmenistan selling them in the established order to the members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, securing workplaces and the specifics of the companies’ operation along with inter-agency settlements and bank loans;

2) in accordance with the law, to ensure the transfer the social facilities and residential buildings, registered at the enterprises that are privatized in accordance with the first part of this paragraph to the local executive authorities, as well as to other state institutions, respectively.

4. In accordance with Point 3 of this Decree, the banks, serving the customers of enterprises being privatized shall provide a loan for a period of 10 years at 1 percent per annum with a 2-year grace period to arrange the payment for the purchased enterprises and future production upgrades at the expense of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan.

5. In accordance with Point 3 of this Decree, the funds received from the privatization shall be used for the repayment of interdepartmental debts and bank loans of the reorganized State Committee on Fishing Industry of Turkmenistan, and the rest part shall be transferred to the State Budget of Turkmenistan through the extra-budgetary account of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan.

6. The Ministry of Industry of Turkmenistan jointly with the Ministry of Justice shall prepare the amendments to the legislation arising from this Decree and submit them to the Cabinet of Ministers within a month.