Ï The President of Turkmenistan severely reprimands a number of officials

The President of Turkmenistan severely reprimands a number of officials

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For the improper execution of the job duties and the serious shortcomings in their work, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov severely reprimanded:

Minister of Agriculture and Water Industry, Enemyradov Ovezmyrat Islamovich;

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Water Industry for the industrial processing of grain and cotton products, Myradov Toylymyrat Myradovich;

Chairman of the State Customs Service, Osmanov Atadurdy Ataberdievich;

Chairman of the Türkmenhimiýa State Concern, Nyyazlyev Nyyazly Myradovich;

Dashoguz Velayat Hyakim, Bayramgulyev Mammet Guldurdyevich.