Ï Extended session of the Government of Turkmenistan takes place

Extended session of the Government of Turkmenistan takes place

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers where outcomes of activity of the branches of national economy for nine months of the year have been summed up.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to the Minister of Finances and Economy B. Bazarov who reported on the fulfilment of the State budget for the period under review. As of October 1 this year, the revenue of the main financial plan is executed by 116.2 percent while the expenditure part is 92.6 percent.

The revenue of local budget was 6,228.3 million manats and expenditures – 5,517.2 million manats.

56 sessions of balance commissions including 53 sessions of regional commissions were held for the period under review.

The volume of drawn investments from all sources of financing was 31.3 billion manats for three quarters of the year. The ration of this indicator against the GDP is 33.4 percent. Investment programme was fulfilled by 104.7 percent. 65.8 percent has been used for construction of production facilities and 34.2 percent for construction of social and cultural objects.

Outcomes of fulfilment of planed objectives of new edition of National Programme for improvement of social and living conditions of rural population until 2020 have also been reported.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity to hold under control the realization of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2018 – 2024.

Chairman of the State Statistics Committee H. Gurbanov reported on macroeconomic indicators achieved by the ministries and departments of the country for three quarters of 2018.

Increment of production volumes of many goods was provided comparing with the same period of the last year.

The volume of cargo traffic by all modes of transport increased by 8 percent for nine months of the year. Growth rates of passenger traffic increased by 3.8 percent for the period under review comparing with the same time of the last year.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that truth, objectivity and transparency remain the main principles of the state statistics.

After, Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdiyev made report on the realization of the programme of improvement of national banking system. Volumes of credits allocated for development of economy including for expansion of modern facilities for production of export oriented and import substitutive goods increased by 12.9 percent for nine months of 2018. The same macroeconomic indicator increased by 14.8 percent in non-governmental sector.

Information about the measures taken for modernization of electronic infrastructure of banking services has also been given.

Banks of the country carried out targeted work for improvement of non-cash payments by card payment system for nine months of the year.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is necessary to bring the activity of crediting departments to higher level.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the outcomes of development of national economy for nine months of the year.

According to the result of financial analysis, the growth rate of the GDP is observed on 6.2 percent level including 4.2 percent n industrial sector, 0.6 percent in construction, 10.8 percent in transport and communication complex, 7.6 percent in trade, 4.9 percent in agriculture and 10.6 percent in service sphere.

The growth rates of production for January – September 2018 increased by 4.6 percent comparing with the same period of 2017.

Retail sale indicator is 19.5 percent higher than in the same period of the last year.

It was informed that 73.3 percent of the State budget was used for financing of social sphere. Average salary wages increased by 9.4 percent comparing with relative period of the last year. Salaries, pensions, state allowances and students scholarships were paid on time and in full volume.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity of the session of the Vice-premiers on elaboration of the State budget for 2019 taking into account the decisions made at the People’s Council.

The President focused on the importance to budget the money for construction of living houses for special categories of the citizens who need living in all etraps and cities. The Head of the State ordered to elaborate and approve the Programme of development of the country in 2019 – 2025 based on the decisions of the People’s Council and thorough analysis of the outcomes of the state development and reform programmes.

The Head of the State highlighted that big works have to be carried out in agricultural sphere and addressed number of specific assignments to Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev.

Addressing Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that according to the Resolution of the People’s Council on regulation of provision of water, electricity and gas to the population, the Ministry of Finances and Economy would have to monitor and control additional incomes to the budget.

Vice-premiers M. Meredov and D. Amangeldiyev were assigned to hold under control timely installation of the gas, water and electrical meters at the facilities and living houses as well as the issue of payment books and arrangement of necessary documentation. Minister of Internal Affairs I. Mulikov was assigned to control the fulfilment of the assignments.

After, the floor was given to Chairman of Supreme Control Chamber G. Mushikov who reported on the outcomes of the audit made in the ministries and departments of the country.

The Head of the State noted that despite good results achieved for the period under review, the activities of some ministries and departments have some shortages, which have to be eliminated until the end of the year. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the leaders have to do actual work aimed at further development and improvement of their structures.

The Head of Turkmenistan requested Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber G. Mushikov to report on the work of the heads of ministries and departments on elimination of mentioned shortages at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the outcomes of this year.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the realization of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030 and the outcomes of work of the sector under his supervision for 9 months of the year.

The plan of oil and gas condensate production fulfilled by 100.2 percent, oil processing by 103.2 percent, gasoline production by 108.1 percent, diesel fuel by 105.8 percent, polypropylene by 104.1 percent, lubricating oils by 111.1 percent.

Information of the course of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line, which is carried out according to approved schedule, has been presented.

Having focused on the main aspects of energy strategy of Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested the Vice-premier supervising the sphere of national fuel and energy complex and the leader of oil and gas sphere to activate the work for attraction of the investments to the country, steadfast implementation of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry, increment of oil and gas production and goods made in the refining process.

The Head of the State ordered to pay special attention to the construction of the TAPI and other international gas lines, to speed up the development of Caspian offshore and to continue the modernization of structure and management system of oil and gas industry as well as privatization of the state owned property.

The Vice-premier received specific instructions for diversification of delivery routes of Turkmen energy resources to the world markets, provision of high level of construction of oil and gas pipelines, exploration of hydrocarbon deposits. The Head of the State highlighted that it is necessary to take all measures for provision of coordinated work of oil and gas complex.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdimyradov reported on the outcomes of activity of the structures under his supervision for nine months of 2018 as well as on privatization of the facilities of the State Fishery Committee.

It was informed that the Ministry of Industry fulfilled production plan by 114.4 percent for the period under review, the growth rate increased by 112.9 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

Fulfilment of the production plan of the Ministry of Textile Industry reached 125.6 percent with growth rate of 124.9 percent.

Comparing with the same period of the last year the growth rate of the facilities of the State Concern Turkmenhimiya reached 109.4 percent for January – September.

Information about the work of the facilities of the State Fishery Committee has also been given.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity to take actual measures for increment of export volumes of industrial sector.

The President expressed the discontent with the work of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa and systematic failure to fulfil planned objectives. In the result, national agriculture has trouble with the shortage of mineral fertilizers. In this context, the Head of the State gave assignments to the Vice-premier to speed up the construction of the second facility for production of potassium fertilizers, having demanded to solve all issues without delay.

Addressing the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of the State informed about the decision related to the necessity to privatize the state fishery facilities according to the course of gradual transfer of leading branches of economic complex of the country to market relations. In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Ministry of Finances and Economy to prepare the documents for the auction and signed relevant Resolution.

Reporting on the outcomes of the activity of the branches under the supervision for nine months of 2018, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev informed that for January – September, administration of Ashgabat fulfilled the plan of production and services by 106.6 percent with the growth rates of 115.9 percent.

These indicators of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture are equal to 100.1 and 108.3 percent respectively for the period under review.

The growth rates of total production volumes, works and services of the Ministry of energy was 119.2 percent.

The State Concern Türkmenawtoýollary fulfilled the plan of work and services by 100.6 percent with the growth rates of 100.1 percent.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the construction of roads in the country including speed highways and pointed out low rates and quality of works, which do not meet modern requirements.

Having expressed the discontent to Minister of Construction and Architecture S. Selimov, the Head of the country stated that original national projects are not reviewed and proposals for development of the industry are not made despite that the country has all capabilities for production of construction materials.

In this regards, the President pointed out that Minister of Finances and Economy B. Bazarov has to hold under control the condition of export and import, having highlighted his accountability in regulation of these issues, and gave specific instructions on this account.

Addressing Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev, Vice-premiers and Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev, the Head of the State focused on the necessity to hold under strict control all construction sites, having ordered to provide the fulfilment of the plan of construction of the facilities in set deadline, especially living houses and social and cultural objects.

The President of Turkmenistan requested to review the investment programme for the next year as well as to take proper measures for timely preparation of energy, heating systems and transport to winter season.

Speaking of urban construction of the capital, the President ordered Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdyliyev to elaborate on the programme of urban development for the next year and to define the amount required for this. In this context, the Head of the State suggested to define the construction of roads among the main directions for the next year.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev made report on the outcomes of activity of transport and communication spheres for nine months of the year.

The plan of communication services, cargo and passenger transportation fulfilled by 108.8 percent for the period under review with the growth rate of 113.2 percent.

The growth rate of fulfilled works by the Ministry of Railway Transport was 112 percent. This index is equal to 102.5 and 104.4 percent respectively in cargo and passenger transportation.

The growth rate of services rendered by the Ministry of Motor Transport for nine months of the year is equal to 105.5 percent. This indicator reached 101.4 and 103.6 percent accordingly in cargo and passenger transportation.

The growth rate of works of the Ministry of Communication for January – September was 109.7 percent.

The growth rate of services of Turkmenhowayollary Service reached 125.9 percent for designated period. This indicator was 129.8 and 116 percent respectively in cargo and passenger transportation.

Addressing Vice-premier M. Chakiyev and managers of transport and communication complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out that their structures do not fulfil all planned objectives. This is also includes the activity of the State Service of Maritime and River Transport in cargo traffic.

Preparation to reconstruction of the railroads is carried out at low rates. The proposals for improvement of activity of these services are not ready. New Turkmenbashy International Seaport does not work in full capacity, the Head of the State noted, having requested the Vice-premier to correct the situation.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported that the volume of total trade turnover increased by 3.4 percent and the volume of production by 2.6 percent by the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs comparing with the same period of the last year.

The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange held 185 trade sessions where 18,408 contracts have been registered.

Total volume of services by the Trade and Industrial Chamber increased by 21.6 percent for January – September 2018 comparing with the last year. 16 exhibitions and 16 conferences have been organized for the period under review.

The growth rate of volumes of industrial production by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs was 27.1 percent, agricultural and food products – 40.1 percent. The trade turnover was increased by 1.6 percent. 1.3 percent of works more was fulfilled in service sphere.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the reduction of indices of foreign trade. Having requested to take relevant measures for bringing of it to proper level, the Head of the State pointed out that leaders of the ministries and departments of trade sphere have to solve the issues for provision of the population with quality goods and food products in proper order.

Having mentioned the activity and enterprise of the representatives of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in many branches of national economy, their visual success and achievements, the Head of the State highlighted that wide support would continue to be given to private sector.

During the session, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution on reprimand of Chairman of the State Custom Service for improper fulfilment of duties and deficiency admitted in his work.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the activity of the branches under his supervision for the past nine months and that 150 out of 200 planned textbooks and manuals have been published.

Turkmen school and university students participated in international contests in January – September where they won 96 and 24 medals accordingly.

9,775 employees of national education sphere had training on qualification improvement for the period under review.

Steadfast measures for improvement of fruitful cooperation with international organizations as well as with educational facilities of other countries were taken.

The Concept of long-term social and economic development of the regions of Turkmen Lake Altyn Asyr has been developed for fulfilment of the asignments on scientific works on water issue, saving of Aral Sea and provision of ecological security.

The growth rates of volumes of finances received from the State voluntary insurance in the system of health protection was 152 percent, products and services – 116 percent and sanatorium services – 119 percent.

107 national competitions and 80 sport and mass events were held for the period under review. Turkmen sportsmen participated in 81 international competitions including 11 world championships (4 medals), 26 Asian championships (67 medals) and 44 other tournaments (110 medals). In general, the collection of sport achievements of the country was supplemented with 181 medals (58 gold, 45 silver and 78 bronze medals).

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that at present time, the development of the states and wealth of the population directly depends upon the condition of scientific sphere. High technologies are successfully developed in any country where the priority is given to scientific studies. Sufficient volumes of financial, informational, production and educational resources are allocated for this. Therefore, such countries take leading positions in the world.

Nobody would deny that these days, the science is necessary for achievement of such fundamental objectives of humankind as provision of health, high level of life, peaceful existence and combating against natural disasters. It is impossible to manage modern society without the science, the Head of the State highlighted.

Our country has deserving material conditions for free and successful creative activity of scientists. In this context, the head of the State focused the attention of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov that during inspection of work of certain scientific institutes detects many deficiencies and there is no results. They are provided with personnel only for two thirds. Many of employees of scientific and research institutes have no scientific degrees. What can be expected from such personnel?

In current conditions, the results of scientific activities depend on high level of education of personnel, his qualification and further improvement of relative works for achievement of advanced levels in scientific researches. Speaking of this, the Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to establish special commission and inspect the work of every scientific and research institute and to present the report on the outcome of the inspection at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Addressing Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov and leaders of his structures, the President pointed out the importance of further integrated modernization of equipment and facilities, scientific and methodological base of education, health protection and sport spheres.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the outcomes of work of the spheres under her supervision for nine months of the year.

Various events including art meetings, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, contests, theatre performances and music concerts have been organized for this period.

Being on working trip to Germany, Turkmen specialists made preparation for the opening of the exhibition “Margiana – the Kingdom of the Bronze Age on the territory of Turkmenistan” in Archaeological Museum of Hamburg on November 1.

Giving the information on financial and business activity of the State Committee for Tourism, the Vice-premier informed that for the period under review, the growth rate of tourist services was 114.4 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

Turkmen State Publishing Service issued 246 types of books and 141 textbooks. The plan was executed by 132.2 percent.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the development of national mass media. Addressing the Vice-premier and leaders of the Ministry of Culture, printing media and television, the Head of the State expressed the discontent with not using of equipment and facilities base made recently for the last few years as well as capabilities of national satellite. The Head of the State made remarks about the work for popularization of spiritual values and history of Turkmen nation.

The President noted that large-scale activity taken under important strategic programme aimed at the improvement of economic foundation of the sovereignty has to be highlighted by specific examples.

Highlighting the importance of further measures on improvement of cultural relations with other states, Turkmen leader pointed out the necessity of finding of talented national art masters and cultural personnel and their presentation abroad.

Certain orders were given for preparation to International Neutrality Day and New Year celebration.

After, having focused on the activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Head of the State requested to provide proper preparation to coming international visits and conferences as well as to International Neutrality Day and other events. In this regard, the Head of the State ordered to start the development of the plans of the visits and forum for the next year immediately.

Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed on the activity of National parliament for nine months of the year.

34 Laws of Turkmenistan and 51 Mejlis Resolutions were adopted during three sessions held during this period. Elaboration of the documents aimed at further legal provision of intensive development of branches on national economy of the country, realization of wide-scale reform programmes, consolidation of democratic and legal basic of the state was continued.

Working groups of the Parliament together with relevant departments work on amendments and addendums of existing laws for realization of the objectives followed from the Resolutions of the first session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan.

Preparation to the next session of the Mejlis of the sixth convocation planned on October 20 of this year is carried out.

Meetings with representatives of the parliaments of foreign states and international organizations were held for improvement of international cooperation and inter-parliamentary relations. Deputies of the Mejlis took part in different events and seminars.

Having listened to the information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the development of the State budget for 2019 and noted that National Parliament has to elaborate and adopt it together with the Cabinet of Ministers.

Continuing extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of the State gave floor for reports to the hyakims of the velayats. It was reported that programme activity for successful solution of the objectives of social and economic development of the regions and country in general is carried out. In particular, necessary measures for organized and qualitative organization and acceleration of rates of seasonal agricultural works are taken.

Having highlighted the course of seasonal agricultural works, the President of Turkmenistan noted their importance in improvement of economic power of agricultural complex, provision of national textile industry with the materials, having given certain instructions on this account to the hyakims.

Having highlighted the importance of completion of works in set period and with high quality, the Head of the State pointed out that delay in their organization is admitted in some regions. In particular, having noted that there are some deficiencies in fulfilment of National rural programme in Dashoguz velayat, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov reprimanded Hyakim of this velayat M. Bayramguliyev with the last warning for improper fulfilment of his duties.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the outcomes of the branches under his supervision for nine months of the year and on the course of seasonal agricultural works and fulfilment of National rural programme.

In general, the growth rate of production volumes, works and services of agricultural complex has reached 105 percent. This indicator by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management and the State Association Türkmen atlary is also 105 percent, by the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources is 104.9 percent.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov again pointed out low rates of reforms in agriculture to Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev, hyakims of the velayats and all leaders of agricultural complex.

The President pointed out that it is necessary to start full processing of cotton fibre ad to stop its sale to foreign countries. The Head of the State also requested to hold under control the matters related to the operation of agricultural equipment, to accelerate the works for stocking up of agricultural production in order to sell it on local market in autumn and winter period satisfying the demand of the population.

Addressing the participants of the session, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov characterized the outcomes of work for the last nine months, having outlined priority aspects for home and foreign policy and key objectives for near future.

Finishing extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of the State wished strong health and great success to the participants and wealth to the nation.