Ï The Head of the State instructs to form up special commission for inspection of work of all scientific and research institutes

The Head of the State instructs to form up special commission for inspection of work of all scientific and research institutes

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At extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on October 12, the President of Turkmenistan focused on the development of national science, having highlighted that at present time, the development of states and wealth of the population is directly relted to the condition of this sphere.

High technologies are successfully developed in any country where the priority is given to scientific studies. Sufficient volumes of financial, informational, production and educational resources are allocated for this. Therefore, such countries take leading positions in the world.

Nobody would deny that these days, the science is necessary for achievement of such fundamental objectives of humankind as provision of health, high level of life, peaceful existence and combating against natural disasters. It is impossible to manage modern society without the science, the Head of the State highlighted.

Our country has deserving material conditions for free and successful creative activity of scientists. In this context, the head of the State focused the attention of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov that during inspection of work of certain scientific institutes detects many deficiencies and there is no results. They are provided with personnel only for two thirds. Many of employees of scientific and research institutes have no scientific degrees. What can be expected from such personnel?

In current conditions, the results of scientific activities depend on high level of education of personnel, his qualification and further improvement of relative works for achievement of advanced levels in scientific researches. Speaking of this, the Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to establish special commission and inspect the work of every scientific and research institute and to present the report on the outcome of the inspection at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers.