Ï Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe

Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe

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Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe
Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe
Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe
Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe
Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe
Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe
Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe
Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe
Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe
Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe
Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe
Cultural delegation of Turkmenistan is welcomed in Termez and Dushanbe
Special train with cultural delegation of our country went across the territory of Uzbekistan on its way to the Republic of Tajikistan. The meeting ceremony with the representatives of culture, public, Uzbek mass media as well as with Turkmen diaspora and art masters took place at the railway station of Termez city.

Representatives of cultural intelligentsia of both countries noted positive dynamics of multidimensional Turkmen – Uzbek cooperation and expressed the confidence that activation of cultural ties would serve to expansion of neighbouring relations and humanitarian dialog. Representatives of Uzbekistan highlighted the importance of work of Turkmenistan for popularization of historical heritage, mental features and modern achievements of Turkmen nation.

Famous singers and dance collectives of our country presented bright concert numbers reflecting the traditions of succession and richness of stylistic palette of national art. Cultural representatives of neighbouring country introduced musical art of Uzbek nation to Turkmen guests. Performance of kushtdepdy dance was final chord of the event in Termez. The participants of the event were also able to see the book exposition with the works of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on honoured place.

On the same day, Turkmen delegation arrived in the Republic of Tajikistan. At Dushanbe railway station, ceremonial reception was organized for the messengers of Turkmen culture. Dance collectives of both countries participated in improvised concert, which was ended up with energetic life-asserting kushtdepdy dance.

Opening ceremony of the Days of Turkmenistan Culture in the Republic of Tajikistan will take place on October 15.