Ï Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture

Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture

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Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
Dushanbe residents are introduced with Turkmen culture
The programme of the Days of Turkmenistan Culture in the Republic of Tajikistan is very rich and allows making expanded impression of carefully preserved cultural traditions, which are passed from generation to generation, as well as of the trends of their development in modern age.

The culture and art of our nation is presented in friendly country by big delegation, which is composed of the heads and specialists of the ministries of culture and education of Turkmenistan, famous folk singers and musicians, pop singers, folk bands from the capital and velayats, theatre artists, museum and library personnel.

The opening ceremony of the Days was held in Dushanbe National Museum with the participation of the Ministers of Culture of both countries, heads and representatives of the city administration, personnel of Turkmen diplomatic mission in Tajikistan as well as cultural personnel, mass media. The speakers highlighted the importance of the Days, which are to enrich traditional Turkmen – Tajik partnership and to support the popularization of historical heritage, rich traditions of two fraternal nations.

At the same day, National Museum of Tajikistan capital hosted the presentation of book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” as well as the meeting of cultural personnel of two countries, during which they have discussed the perspectives of development of Turkmen – Tajik humanitarian dialog.

Joint exposition of picturesque works and decorative and applied art items from museum collections from all regions of Turkmenistan was bright event in cultural life of Dushanbe.

Artists of S. Seydi Lebap Music and Drama Theatre presented Dayahatyn stage play made by the motifs of book “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” at the stage of A. Lakhuti Tajik Academic Theatre.

Celebration concert at the stage of Kokhi Borbad State Complex was the culmination of the event on that day. Dushanbe residents and guests of Tajik capital familiarized with rich palette of Turkmen music, art of bakhshy and captivating expression of folk bands. They enjoyed performance art of Turkmen pop stars and dance bands and felt the lyrics and depth of national songs.