Ï Library day to be instituted in Turkmenistan

Library day to be instituted in Turkmenistan

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on further development of library network and modernization of book publishing at the session of the Government on November 9.

Book is an echo of centuries, the President said. The role of libraries, which are storages of priceless rarities, is very important, the Head of the State continued, their work is the indicator of cultural and educational level achieved by the country. Our people has always treated these values with special attitude paying special attention to the books.

The Head of the State noted that we have done big work for improvement of equipment and facility base of this system and provision of libraries with qualified specialists, created unified system of electronic libraries. It is necessary to continue paying attention to arrangement of the exchange of books and other printing media via international library network, increment number of readers, activating the work with children libraries as well as with youth, students and scientific personnel.

Role of libraries in propaganda of the reforms in the country is very important and in this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the work on the explanation of the meaning and importance of the reforms in the branches of the economy especially in agriculture, efficient use of land and water resources, Turkmen leader noted.

The Head of the State highlighted that at present, we have responsible objective to turn our independent neutral country into industrially developed advanced state with digital economy, developed science and education. In this context, the President of the country proposed to declare one day of the week as library day.