Ï The title of the best world weightlifter was contested among the women in 87 kg weight category

The title of the best world weightlifter was contested among the women in 87 kg weight category

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The title of the best world weightlifter was contested among the women in 87 kg weight category
Crismery Sanatana from the Dominican Republic was just a little behind to win the gold in the snatch women’s 87 kg weight category. She lifted 117 kg in the last attempt, however she was taken over by Hui Ao from the PRC by one kg. Weightlifter of the PDRK Un Ju Kim was the third.

In the clean-and-jerk, the contest for the gold was between Korean and Chinese sportswomen. Both weightlifters managed with all three attempts but Un Ju Kim won the gold having lifted 152 kg, which one kg more that her opponent. Maria Valdes (Chili) took the bronze in the clean-and-jerk. Crismery Santana was the third in total.

World champions in super heavy weights above 109 kg men’s and above 87 kg women’s will be defined on the last day of the tournament.