Ï Economic Society «Bereketly» expands its specialty chain

Economic Society «Bereketly» expands its specialty chain

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Economic Society «Bereketly» expands its specialty chain
Economic Society «Bereketly» expands its specialty chain
Economic Society «Bereketly» expands its specialty chain
Economic Society «Bereketly» expands its specialty chain
The “Bereketly” economic society - a large company operating in the food sector, a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan opened twenty company stores in Ashgabat this year.

If before sausage products and meat delicacies of a popular brand could be purchased at temporary outlets, now the company sells products demanded by customers through a network of stores equipped with specialized equipment.

Ten more chain stores are preparing for the opening according to the Bereketly sales department, two of them will open before the New Year. In addition, in the large residential areas, such as the Mir-7, Gaudan and others will be established itinerant trade.

The products of ES “Bereketly”, which are actively involved in the implementation of the state program of import substitution, are in high demand among the population. Buyers are attracted by a wide range and high quality of sausages, meat and chicken delicacies. ES “Bereketly" supports its image as an enterprise using only high-quality raw materials and natural for more than 25 years.

“Bereketly” products have been awarded with diplomas of international exhibitions and competitions, including the prize of the prestigious Great Taste contest held in London.

In order to ensure world-class production, specialists studied the experience of leading manufacturers in Denmark, Germany, Poland, Spain, the USA, Brazil, Russia, Belarus and other countries. Equipment, raw materials, spices, packaging material are purchased from business partners. The specialists of the economic society studied the technology of sausage production under the guidance of foreign colleagues.

With the support of the state that allocated a concessional loan, state-of-the-art production was built in the Buzmein etrap of Ashgabat, where more than 150 jobs were created. Now, in production workshops and on sites equipped with the latest meat processing equipment and powerful refrigeration units are developed 60 types of sausage products and more than 20 types of semi-finished meat products. A separate workshop is designed for packaging up to 25 types of green and black tea. Every day, more than six tons of various products are delivered to the city trade network.