Ï The problems of the development of desert lands and a review of foreign studies - on the pages of the core journal

The problems of the development of desert lands and a review of foreign studies - on the pages of the core journal

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The international scientific and practical journal “Problems of Desert Development” covers topical issues of environmental management in arid conditions. The editorial board of the publication includes profile experts from Turkmenistan, Russia, China, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Israel, the authors of publications are scientists from different countries. The magazine has a half-century history, published under the auspices of the National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna of the State Committee for Environmental Protection and Land Resources.

The next issue provides an overview of the landscape-ecological conditions of the territories adjacent to the Turkmen Lake “Altyn Asyr”, the plate of the Chelyunkir, Uchtagan sandy massif, the Kaplankyr Priustiryti, the Karakum Plain, the salt marshes of the Western Zaungusye, Prisarakamyshye, Uzboy valley. The authors - a group of Turkmen scientists - provide an overview of the use of these lands under the conditions of anthropogenic impact, as well as measures to curb desertification processes.

Specialists introduce the results of medical and sociological research on the impact of office work on health from the Scientific and Clinical Center for Physiology of the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry. Scientists of the Institute of Biology and Medicinal Plants AST present the results of a study of the beneficial properties of stevia, a South American medicinal plant that was grown in the conditions of Turkmenistan and could be cultivated here. Three hundred Kopetdag ornamental plants, including floristic rarities - wild orchids, hazel grouses, saffron, and irises - supplied with photo-illustrative material in a publication.

Turkmen microbiologists have been studying the drought resistance of cotton at the cellular and tissue level for several years. One of the publications is devoted to the results. The purpose of the work is to ensure the sustainability of culture in conditions of aridization of climate.

Up-to-date information on waterfowl and near-water ornithofauna is given in the article by associate professor TAU Ovez Sopiyev and Kaplankyr reserve staff Arasmurad Amanov. The authors provide a comparative analysis of the species of birds that inhabit the Sarykamysh Lake and the Aral Sea. The team of Turkmen herpetologists presented the results of the monitoring of the "Red Book" big-eyed snake.

Biologists are thinking about the possibility of red deer settling in our country. Currently, up to 60 individuals of its subspecies, the tugai deer inhabit the territory of the Amudarya Reserve. In recent years, in order to increase the local population are being taken measures to restore the food supply base, to increase the area of tugai, and also to breed animals in the nursery with their subsequent resettlement in natural conditions.

The column “Aral and its problems” contains publications by representatives of the Executive Directorate of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea in Kazakhstan, who are considering the conservation of the natural-resource potential of local ecological systems. Experts from the Nukus branch of EC IFAS (Uzbekistan) talk about reforestation projects implemented within the framework of three programs to assist the countries of the Aral Sea basin. Recall that the development of the fourth ASBP is currently ongoing.

The “short posts” section introduces information on the features of phytomelioration of the sands of the Zaunguz Karakum, the water-physical properties of the soil of the Sumbar Valley, the cultivation of construction pits.

Foreign authors touch on aspects of the conservation of the dunes of the Curonian Spit on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea, as well as the problems of the background level of radionuclides in the delta of the Ili River, which occupies the southwestern part of the Balkhash plain. A member of the Kazakh Institute of Botany and Phyto-introductions, Nikolai Zverev, shares observations on the growth dynamics of real pistachio and almond in Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.

Specialists of the Scientific-Information Center ICSD IFSA talk about the construction of a water supply system in the Libyan Desert, based on a proven underground freshwater lens. Communications of the artificial river stretched for four thousand kilometers. The publication provides an interesting detail: the building materials used for the project would be enough for the construction of 16 pyramids of Cheops.