Ï Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development

Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development

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Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
Profile review introduce actual trends of education and sport spheres development
International exhibition and scientific conference dedicated to the development of education and sport are opened in the capital. It was organized by the Ministry of education, Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs and the Trade and Industry Chamber.

Impressive composition of the delegations around hundred foreign guests from 30 countries including Russia, USA, China, Japan, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, The Republic of Korea, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Malaysian, Yemen, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Mongolia, Latvia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other, which came to Turkmenistan to participate in the forum, indicates the recognition of significant input of our country to development of education and international sport movement.

The goal of the forum is to introduce topical trends in these spheres, to promote modern technologies and to implement advanced methods supporting the improvement of quality of education and sport skills as well as public health improving movement.

Members of the Government, leaders of the Mejlis, ministries and departments, public organizations, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan , national and foreign personnel of sport an education spheres, honoured guests, representatives of mass media and numerous Ashgabat residents took part in the opening ceremony of the review. The participants listened to the greeting message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed to the participants of the exhibition and conference with great attention.

Versatile exposition visualize the concept of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the development of sports of high achievements and mass physical training movement in Turkmenistan, modernization of educational institutes and introduction of advanced information technologies to educational process.

Thoughtful decoration of exhibition halls and advertisement attract target audience to the sections of the exhibition. Latest equipment of university laboratories, scientific, training and methodology literature, dictionaries and encyclopaedias published in the country as well as cups, medals and certificates of the winner of international student contests and sport competitions – all of these is short list of the exhibits on displays of the Ministry of Education and universities. Consultancy on specialities and modern educational methods in the universities are also available.

Author projects of Turkmen students, models of various architectural facilities, developments of the Centre of Young Scientists are widely presented. Works of student of secondary specialized schools visually indicating the introduction of information technologies to educational process raise the interest.

Dozens of displays demonstrate educational potential of foreign countries including the production of leading IT and laboratory equipment producers. Computer hardware and software novelties, various gadgets were the subject of keen interest of youth.

Representative of high educational institutes and educational centres of foreign countries, producers and distributors of educational literature are among the participants of the exhibition.

The sports, which is the second topical section of international review, is represented through the prism of the popularization of mass physical training and health improving movement and sports of high achievements in Turkmenistan.

Leading national and foreign organizations, producers of special equipment, inventory and clothes as well as various federations and clubs, which fosters performed demonstration programmes during the opening ceremony.

Special place of the exhibition is allocated for recent weightlifting tournament in Ashgabat where 72 world records have been set. Collection of medals won by Turkmen sportsmen at prestigious international competitions raises great interest of the visitors.

Sport outfit is represented by the production of foreign companies such as Columbia Асtive Sport and Joma as well as by national producers who presented big variety of stylish and ecological outfit for sport and outdoor activity.

Demonstration ground of the forum became the place for negotiations, establishment of business contacts and exchange of practice. Scientific conference, which has started in the afternoon in the conference hall of the Trade and Industrial Chamber.

New directions of cooperation by development of direct relations between the universities, institutes, secondary specialized educational facilities, sport organizations, exchange of delegations as well as aspects of joint humanitarian projects have been discussed at its plenary session.

The conference will continue the work on the next day in the format of sectional sessions, which will be held in Magtumguly Turkmen State University, the State Institute of Economics and Management, the Institute of Sports and Tourism, International University of Humanitarian Studies and Development.

Meeting of the participants of the forum with lecturers and students of high educational institutes will serve to activation of international dialog in sport and educational spheres.

The forum will continue its work until November 14.