Ï Session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers where topical subjects of the state policy have been discussed. Coming to the agenda of the session, the Head of the State gave floor to Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova.

The Speaker of National Parliament informed about the activity for further improvement of the legislation. Deputies of the Mejlis participate in the meetings, conferences and other events for expansion of international cooperation and inter-parliamentarian relations. Cooperation with structural divisions of the United Nations in Ashgabat is continued.

Having listened to the information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of the measures for improvement of national legislation.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the outcomes of the working visit of Turkmenistan delegation to Hamburg and Berlin, Germany last week.

During the visit, the delegation of our country took part in the conference organized by the Eastern Committee of German Economy, which has gathered top managers and representatives of big companies, banks, financial and trade institutes of Germany. Number of bilateral meetings including the meeting with Board Chairman of the Eastern Committee of German Economy Wolfgang Büchele took place during the forum where cooperation in such spheres as energy, petrochemical industry, transport and communications and banking sector have been discussed.

The Head of Foreign Ministry informed the President that German businessmen expressed the interest in development of beneficial partnership in different directions, having highlighted the willingness to participate in the projects of sea water treatment and desalination. By the outcomes of the forum, it was proposed to hold business forum in February 2019 organized by the Eastern Committee of German Economy and to organize the visit of the Board Chairman of the Committee to Turkmenistan in March.

Number of other bilateral meetings including with the State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy of Germany, relative officials in the Department of the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany took place during the visit where prospects of bilateral cooperation have been discussed. Political consultations with the Federal Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Germany were also held, during which the willingness of both countries to further constructive collaboration including under competent international organizations and structures like the UN, OSCE and EU has been confirmed.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted that Turkmenistan pays great attention to consolidation of traditionally friendly relations with Germany, which steadfast dynamics proves mutual commitment of the sides to multidimensional long-term partnership. Reliable political base and considerable legal framework of cooperation, which is successfully developed in bilateral and multilateral formats including under constructive dialog with the European Union, have been established of the past years.

Productive trade and economic relations are also the indicators of high level of interstate cooperation. Our country sees Germany as one of its leading business partners, which is visually indicated by old close contacts with big representatives of German business who express the intent to improve their positions in Turkmen market. Today, Turkmenistan implements large-scale reforming programmes and infrastructural projects, which opens great prospects for efficient consolidation of efforts in various spheres, the Head of the State said.

In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave number of specific instructions to relative officials including on improvement of bilateral cultural contacts, organization of German exhibitions in our country, continuation of the demonstration of archaeological exposition “Margiana – the Kingdom of the Bronze Age on the territory of Turkmenistan” in Germany, which raised great interest of the visitors.

The Head of the State also noted that it is necessary to expand productive cooperation in agricultural sector including the procurement of German agricultural equipment, which has recommended itself very well in soil and climate conditions of our country.

Having highlighted that Germany takes leading positions in road construction, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to activate the partnership in this direction for practical application of advanced technologies, innovative developments of German partners including in construction of high-speed roads.

The President noted that cooperation between our countries in consulting services and supply of modern vehicles is also successful. Various branches of national economy including new industrial complexes built in our country are provided with high technology equipment from leading German manufacturers. At the same time, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity to expand the cooperation in this direction.

There are good perspectives for intensification of the contacts between business structures. Thus, Turkmen entrepreneurs widely use German technologies in different spheres of their activity and this positive practice has to be continued, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

In addition, the Head of the State gave instructions on further development of bilateral cooperation in banking sphere as well as on increment of specialized schools with deep study of German language in our country, on consolidation of the relations in improvement of qualification of science and health protection specialist.

The Foreign Ministers was assigned to improve the activity of Joint Turkmen – German Working Group for economic Cooperation and to provide proper level of preparation to the next session.

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier, the Head of Foreign Ministry reported on preparation to coming visit of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Turkmenistan.

It was mentioned that diplomatic relations with neighbouring country has been established in June 1992. Since then, our countries steadily develop the cooperation in political, trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres, which are supported by firm legal and regulatory framework.

It is planned to sign big package of documents aimed at further activation and intensification of beneficial partnership in priority directions by the outcomes of high-level talks.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are connected with friendly neighbouring relations for a long time, which is also stipulated by historical and cultural similarity of two fraternal nations. Today, the relations between our countries receive new content, for which favourable opportunities and perspectives are available.

Constructive character is also inherent to the cooperation under competent regional and international organizations where both states demonstrate the proximity of the views and approaches to topical issues of global agenda.

In this context, having highlighted the importance of coming high-level talks, which are to support further improvement and intensification of fruitful Turkmen – Azeri relations, Turkmen leader ordered the Vice-premier to provide high organizational level of official visit of the President of Azerbaijan to our country.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the measures based on the Law of Turkmenistan for approval of the list of facilities and enterprises of the state ownership, which are subject to be denationalized and privatized.

It was mentioned that the Ministry of Finances and Economy with other ministries and departments, administrations of the regions and Ashgabat carry out systematic work in this direction.

In this context, the proposal on privatization of 27 facilities has been presented to the Head of the State for review. Based on the analysis, it is proposed to privatize 20 facilities of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, 5 facilities of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs and 2 facilities of the Ministry of Energy at the auction.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted that privatization is to support the improvement of the competiveness of national economy, profitability of industrial production stimulation of investment activity as well as dynamic development of entrepreneurship including small and medium business. For these purposes, Turkmenistan takes actual measures for improvement of relative regulatory framework, which includes the adoption of the Law on Denationalization and Privatization of the State Property. The President requested to continue steadfast work in this direction.

After, Vice-premier G. Myradov reported on the outcomes of the 17th Ministerial Conference of the Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Programme. High-rank representative of the CAREC countries as well as Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, Islamic Development Bank, CAREC Institute, European Union, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Monetary Fund, UNDP and other took part in the forum in Ashgabat on November 15.

The agenda of the Ministerial Conference included priority subjects of further development of beneficial regional partnership in different spheres and realization of perspective infrastructural projects.

Completion of the formation of unified Central Asian energy system by connecting of Turkmenistan to this system has also been reviewed during the forum. In this regard, it is necessary to make special mention that this fact plays key role in creation of additional opportunities for significant increment of the volumes of Turkmen electricity to neighbouring states, in particular to Tajikistan. Such decision taken by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov again visually demonstrated high efficiency of the policy of permanent support to neighbouring country in solution of important social and economic objectives.

It is also necessary to mention that Turkmenistan provided electrical energy to Tajikistan before. All of these is visual example of the commitment of our country to the traditions of friendship and mutual help.

The Agreements on the project of improvement of national power network of Turkmenistan and on connection of Tajikistan to Central Asian electrical system have been signed during the conference. Both Agreement are to be sponsored by the Asian Development Bank.

The President noted that our country, chairing in the CAREC Programme this year, holds active position on expansion of beneficial versatile partnership in Central Asia and entire Asian region making specific constructive initiatives.

Having highlighted that Turkmenistan supported the Agreement on the project related to the connection of Tajikistan to Central Asian Electrical system, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov confirmed invariable commitment of the country to the principles of friendship, goodwill and creativity.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the preparation to XXIII International Conference and Exhibition “Turkmenistan Oil and Gas 2018”, which is planned to be held in Ashgabat on November 20 – 22. It is expected that specialists from many countries including the representatives of oil and gas companies, profile ministries and departments, international organizations and mass media would take part in economic review.

The agenda of the forum will include wide spectrum of subjects of development of the world energy market including oil and gas and their products as well as international cooperation in this sphere. It is planned to organize the discussion on the subject of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line.

Special attention will be paid to such subjects as the attraction of investments to oil and gas industry, implementation of innovative technologies to exploration and production of hydrocarbons, the world practice of production of environmentally friendly fuel, diversification of export routes of Turkmen gas, projects of processing of natural gas and making of petrochemical production.

Having noted the importance of coming forum, which is to demonstrate huge potential of national fuel and energy complex and become open ground for discussion of topical subjects of cooperation in this sphere, the Head of the State requested the Vice-premier to provide high organizational level of the exhibition and conference.

The Head of the State ordered to hold the construction of TAPI gas line, which would provide long-term supply of Turkmen gas to big countries of South Asia, under permanent control. The President of the country highlighted that new energy route as well as power and fibre optic lines, which are to be built along Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan route, are very important in the context of peaceful revival of Afghanistan, restoration of its social and economic infrastructure and would support he consolidation of peace and stability in the region.

Participants of the 17th Ministerial Conference of the CAREC spoke in support of the above-mentioned projects. Speaking of this, the President made special mention of the role of Asian Development Bank, which is one of main partners of the TAPI project and takes active part in its implementation from the beginning.

At present, supply of pipes procured to the amount of 40 million UD dollars, which were allocated by Saudi Development Fund, is carried out. In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan expressed the gratitude to the King of Saudi Arabia Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud for support on international initiatives of our country and great attention paid to improvement of interstate cooperation where oil and gas sector is one of the most important directions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Dudrdymyradov reported on the modernization of the facilities of textile industry.

It was mentioned that steadfast work for technological rearmament of existing profile facilities is carried out under the implementation of the state programmes of development of import substitutive production and growth of export volumes of high quality goods of Turkmen manufacturers.

Information about advertisement and exhibition activity for the promotion of the goods made at textile facilities of the country to foreign markets has been presented.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that textile items of natural cotton and silk as well as handmade carpets, which are on high demands in foreign countries, are produced in our country based on advanced technologies. It is planned to enter complete cycle of processing of cotton fibre at local facilities, to start production of wide variety of ready-made garments competitive in the world markets based on modern industrial technologies and fashion trends under further bringing of national textile industry and national economy in general to new levels of development.

Having highlighted the importance of participation of Turkmen producers in international exhibitions, the President pointed out the necessity of implementation of modern marketing and advertisement methods in this sphere, which are efficient instrument for improvement of demand in the condition of high competition.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev made report on the situation in the branches under his supervision and fulfilment of the assignments including on further development of the capital.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the State would continue sending considerable amounts for modernization and improvement of the infrastructure of the capital and other cities and settlements of the country and taking measures for creation of favourable and comfortable conditions of life for Turkmenistan citizens.

Having focused on further urban development of Ashgabat, the President ordered to provide high quality and timely completion of construction of the facilities in the capital.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision and on the work for New Year 2019 celebration. Special attention is paid to organization of celebration events, neat appearance of Turkmen capital and the cities of the country, provision of shopping outlet with Christmas trees, decoration and wide variety of relevant accessories.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State focused the attention of the Vice-premier that the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs is able to undertake the work. The necessity of creation of bright national colour in the themes of New Year performances for children, use of the plots of Turkmen folk fairy tales in decoration and colourful transformation of the capital avenues and squares has been highlighted.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev, who supervise transport and communication sphere, reported on the preparation to International conference dedicated to the development of transit and transport corridors in Avaza on November28, 2018.

The Vice-premier informed that participation of foreign experts from many countries is planned in the forum together with local specialists of transport sphere.

In the last few years, Turkmenistan was repeatedly the place of big international events, during which the aspects of cooperation in this sphere has been discussed. At the same time, it is necessary to mention that our country solves efficiently the issues related to the formation of ramified transport system. Construction of roads and railways, which have international significance, modern engineering and technical facilities, new Turkmenbashy International Seaport, etc. can be given as an example.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that in modern conditions, the cooperation in transport and communication sector receive special significance as an integral factor of global sustainable development. Transport sphere is one of the key segments of the world economy, which makes direct effect on stability and balance of the world economic relations.

The President highlighted that occupying favourable geographic location and improving its positions as important transit and transport hub and logistic centre of regional and continental importance, Turkmenistan tries to implement its potential in this sphere for the common benefit. This is visually indicated by the proposals of our country aimed at the formation of ramified combined system of transport communication in North – South and East – West directions, which received wide support of the world community.

Having noted the importance of coming forum on transport, the Head of the State ordered to provide its high organizational level and timely solution of all issues related to this matter.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minister B. Abdiyeva reported on the preparation to cultural activities dedicated to coming celebrations and remarkable events as well as on the development of international cooperation in cultural sphere.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that all cultural and public events and international cultural actions in the country have to present national art and cultural heritage of Turkmen people in its all variety.

Mentioning the importance of the development of interstate cooperation in humanitarian sphere, the Head of the State highlighted that this important work is carried out under foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan and is aimed at the improvement of friendly relations.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the measures for opening of new educational facilities in the country, which would train qualified specialists required in different branches of the economy.

It was reported that according to the assignments of the Head of the States given at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on November 2, 2018, the Ministry of Education and profile ministries and departments have done relative work.

Having highlighted that training of qualified specialists, who knows advanced technologies and have wide outlook, is important objective aimed at further successful social and economic development of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity of integrated elaboration on related subjects.

New universities have to have all conditions for profile study taking into account set requirements including provision with relevant modern equipment, organization of educational process based on progressive methods meeting the specification of certain profession, stimulation of the students to scientific activity. Speaking of this, the Head of Turkmenistan addressed the Vice-premier with specific assignments related to study of the best world practice in this sphere, steadfast modernization of the system of national high education and bringing of it to new level. Continuing the subject, the President highlighted that it is necessary to pay special attention to professional orientation of school students.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal field works in the regions and reforms in agricultural sector.

Information about the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Turkmenistan and John Deere International GmbH on development of cooperation in agricultural sphere signed by the request of the Head of the State on November 11 has been presented in the report.

The Memorandum provides further expansion of the cooperation with American partners in modernization of agricultural complex. It includes such directions as provision of technical fleets with models of high technology John Deere agricultural equipment and machinery, introduction of digital electronic management system, latest technologies and innovations, growth of productivity by improvement of the level of mechanization of crop production.

It is planned to open training centre for specialist in operation, maintenance and service of John Deere agricultural machinery and equipment in Ashgabat and velayat centres. It is also planned to introduce digital electronic management methods to agricultural production in the etraps.

In addition, it is planned to provide specialized service facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management with new modern equipment for service and maintenance of John Deere equipment.

Training centre operating under Turkmen State Agricultural University and Turkmen Agricultural Institute will have the courses on latest technologies used in John Deere equipment, teaching of the methods of digital electronic management of agricultural production.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with delight positive results of the cooperation with John Deere, which takes active part in joint projects in agricultural complex for many years. Service of agricultural equipment and training of professional engineering and technical personnel are important aspects of long-term partnership.

Having highlighted that utmost attention shall be paid to the introduction of advanced agricultural technologies under the reforms in agricultural sphere, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with number of certain instructions.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted that reforms in agricultural complex require the attraction of experienced specialists according to the decisions of the People’s Council.

In this regard, the President informed about the decision to release O. Enermyradov from the position of the Minister of Agriculture and Water Management due to the transfer to another work.

The Head of the State appointed A. Yazmyradov as the Minister of Agriculture and Water Management, having released him from the post of the Hyakim of Beherden etrp, Ahal Velayat.

Other subjects of the State life, on which relevant decisions were made, have been reviewed at the session.