Ï President Ilham Aliyev to make official visit to Turkmenistan

President Ilham Aliyev to make official visit to Turkmenistan

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Preparation to coming visit of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Turkmenistan is carried out. It was informed to the Head of the State by Vice-premier, Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov at the session of the Government on November 16.

It is planned to sign big package of documents aimed at further activation and intensification of beneficial partnership in priority directions by the outcomes of high-level talks.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are connected with friendly neighbouring relations for a long time, which is also stipulated by historical and cultural similarity of two fraternal nations. Today, the relations between our countries receive new content, for which favourable opportunities and perspectives are available.

Constructive character is also inherent to the cooperation under competent regional and international organizations where both states demonstrate the proximity of the views and approaches to topical issues of global agenda.

Having highlighted the importance of coming high-level talks, which are to support further improvement and intensification of fruitful Turkmen – Azeri relations, Turkmen leader ordered the Vice-premier to provide high organizational level of official visit of the President of Azerbaijan to our country.