Ï International experts to discuss the aspect of development of transit and transport corridors

International experts to discuss the aspect of development of transit and transport corridors

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International conference dedicated to the development of transit and transport corridors will be held in Avaza on November 28, 2018. Participation of foreign experts from many countries is planned in the forum. It was informed to the Head of the State by Vice-premier M. Chakiyev at the session of the Government.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that in modern conditions, the cooperation in transport and communication sector receive special significance as an integral factor of global sustainable development. Transport sphere is one of the key segments of the world economy, which makes direct effect on stability and balance of the world economic relations.

It was highlighted that occupying favourable geographic location and improving its positions as important transit and transport hub and logistic centre of regional and continental importance, Turkmenistan tries to implement its potential in this sphere for the common benefit. This is visually indicated by the proposals of our country aimed at the formation of ramified combined system of transport communication in North – South and East – West directions, which received wide support of the world community.

Having noted the importance of coming forum on transport, which is to become actual contribution to further development of beneficial international cooperation in this direction, the Head of the State ordered to provide its high organizational level and timely solution of all issues related to this matter.