Ï Priorities of social and economic development are discussed at video conference session

Priorities of social and economic development are discussed at video conference session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference session with the participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of number of ministries and departments and the Hyakim of Ashgabat. The agenda included utmost objective of social and economic development of the country, implementation of important projects as well as other topical issues of the state life.

First, the Head of the State called State Minister, Chairman of the State Concern Türkmengaz M. Archayev who reported on the situation in the structure and fulfilment of the orders given by the President of the country earlier on diversification of energy routes to the world market.

It was mentioned that Turkmenistan delegation took part in International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference ADIPEC 2018 in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates). Bilateral meetings was organized under the forum. During the meetings, the sides exchanged the views on the main aspects of energy policy of our country, levels achieved in this sphere, work for implementation of the construction project of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line.

It was informed that UAE petroleum companies showed deep interest in the participation in large-scale project of construction of gas main. Project documentation on Turkmen part of the pipeline has been developed. All works are carried out as per the schedule. The Ministry of Construction and Architecture is the general contractor in this part.

According to the contract between the State Concern Türkmengaz and Global Pipe Company (the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) on provision of steel pipes for construction of the pipeline in Turkmen section of the TAPI, supply of required pipes has started by sea from the port of Dammam via Caspian Sea to Turkmenbashy International Sea Port. 40 million US dollars contract is financed by the Saudi Development Fund.

As for today, 175 carriages have arrived in Ymambaba railway station according to the schedule and 4,956 meters of pipes have been offloaded. The same way, more than 35,000 meters f steel pipes would be delivered to the country in two stages. It will provide the efficiency of work for construction of international pipeline of global importance. At present time, delivery at construction sites and installation of these pipes are continued.

In addition, the Head of the State Concern informed the Head of the State informed the Head of the State about working visit of Turkmenistan delegation to Japan. The delegation held the meetings with representatives of business structures of friendly country. During the talks, perspective directions of cooperation have been outlined. Companies specialized in oil and gas sphere expressed high interest in their presence in Turkmen market, which has recommended itself as reliable partner with all opportunities for productive work.

Proposals on construction of another plant for production of synthetic gasoline by processing of natural gas in Ovadandepe and implementation of the second phase of polymer facility in Kiyanly have been made.

Furthermore, the State Minister informed that 50 companies and 200 representatives of countries would take part in the XXIII International Conference and Exhibition Oil and gas of Turkmenistan 2018. This is another evidence of the activation of international cooperation in fuel and energy complex. Talks with representatives of the companies will be held under the forum. Subjects related to supply of Turkmen energy resources to foreign markets, implementation of large-scale projects by attraction of foreign investors will be discussed during the talks.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that increment of export volumes of energy resources is the key vector of the state policy of Turkmenistan. Measures in this direction have to be aimed at the solution of the objectives of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan. The Head of the State noted that it is necessary to develop international cooperation together with all spheres of national economy. Having highlighted special importance of improvement of partnership, implementation of advanced world practice and attraction of investments, the President requested to improve work efficiency in this direction.

Speaking of the importance of Turkmenistan’s participation in different exhibitions and conferences, the President noted the significance of activation of international cooperation for fuel and energy sector. Subjects related to organization of similar events in our country have to be under control.

Pipes, which are delivered according to previous agreements, would give strong impulse to the construction of TAPI transnational gas main, Turkmen leader said, having ordered to take necessary measures for their delivery to construction site and installation.

Having stated with delight the dynamics of interstate relations with Japan in many directions of fruitful cooperation, especially in petrochemical industry, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that all capabilities for active participation of Japanese businessmen in transformations in our country would be made.

Having mentioned the importance of coming oil and gas forum in Ashgabat, which is to demonstrate huge potential of national fuel and energy complex and to become open ground for discussion of topical subjects of cooperation in this sphere, the Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to provide high organizational level of exhibition and conference Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan 2018.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave specific assignments on improvement of export capabilities of the country in oil and gas sphere.

Thereafter, Chairman of the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources B. Orazmyradov reported about the work for ecological safety, fundamental reforms in agricultural complex in the context of decisions taken at the first session of the People’s Council as well as about the measures for rational use of natural resources.

In addition, information about the formation of the Land Fund and fulfilment of the programme of development of the Land Cadastre has been presented. Land plots of the Fund have been distributed among private producers who have already started the work in order to produce the cotton, grain, gourds, potato and other crops on new terms beginning from 2019.

It was noted in the report of natural protection agency that work for protection of biodiversity and clean marine environment is carried out together with profile structures of Caspian states under implementation of the Framework Convention of protection of marine environment of Caspian Sea.

Having focused on the necessity of successful results of the reforms in national agricultural complex, activity of relevant structures of the Committee o sites, the President highlighted that changes in agriculture are very slow.

Having noted that elaboration of the Land Cadastre is key objective for development of virgin lands, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the importance of thorough analysis and evaluation.

The Head of the Department received specific orders for instant solution of existing issues and correction of the situation. The necessity of systematic reports including the information on the use of lands by the farmers, which was received according to the Code of Turkmenistan on Land, as well as other information has been noted.

Having focused on the provision of favourable environment of Caspian Sea, the Head of the State ordered to conduct the monitoring of coastal production facilities on the compliance to ecological standards.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Minister of Education M. Geldiniyazov. It was mentioned that at present time, integrated work for strengthening of equipment and facilities base, improvement of qualification of the personnel, development of the system of digital education is carried out.

Measures for fulfilment of the assignments of the Head of the State on training of profile specialists for different branches of national economy, provision of specialized educational facilities on modern level, modernization of pre-school facilities, comprehensive secondary and professional schools, improvement of provision of study books and guides given at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on November 16 are taken. For example, departments of improvement of qualification are opened in pedagogical universities of the country.

Having listened to the report, the President of the country focused on the necessity to take more actual measures for improvement of work of educational facilities according to time demands, introduction of new disciplines, especially those related to digital technologies, to the programmes.

It was highlighted that it is necessary to take responsible approach to detection of the most talented students and to direct them to relevant professions together with education of young generation.

Solution of the objectives for opening of new educational facilities and development of their concept require responsible approach, the Head of the State said, having highlighted the importance of coordinated activity of relevant structures. Speaking of this, the President focused on the improvement of activity of the educational institutes specialized in training of personnel required in different spheres of national economy, having given number of specific instructions to the Minister on this account.

Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Population, Board Chairman of the Pension Fund M. Sylabov reported on the work for unierupted and timely payment of the pensions and state allowances according to existing legislation.

It was also informed about the measures for increment of the pensions and state allowances from the beginning of 2019. It was also mentioned that necessary funds would be allocated for this, which are included to the State Budget.

Having listened to the report, the President noted that creation of proper conditions for life and work of Turkmenistan citizens, provision of social wealth would always be under attention of the State.

In this context, improvement of activity of labour and social protection of the population authorities and implementation of the best advanced practice in this sphere gain special importance, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

Thereafter, Minister of Finances and Economy B. Bazarov reported on the situation in the structures under his supervision and on the 17 Ministerial Conference of the Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation Programme in Ashgabat and its decisions.

It was mentioned that representatives of the CAREC countries as well as Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Monetary Fund, the United Nations Development Programme took part in the forum. Issues related to the formation of Central Asian Energy System, which also includes Turkmenistan, have been discussed at the session. At the same time, the attention has been paid to the importance of creation of additional capabilities for increment of the volume of energy supplied to neighbouring states from our country.

Having focused on the activity of financial and economic sector, the Head of the State noted the necessity of active implementation of advanced practice and innovative methods. The President of the country gave number of instructions to the Minister on development of the draft State budget for 2019 together with relative structures.

Having highlighted that while chairing such competent programme as the CAREC, Turkmenistan would intensify cooperation in such spheres as energy, trade, custom subjects, transport, tourism, establishment of economic zones and other, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out that it is necessary to use integrated approach to successful solution of the decisions taken during the forum.

Thereafter, Vice-premier G. Myradov reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision and fulfilment of the assignments on improvement of the activity of financial and economic structures given by the Head of the State earlier.

Having outlined the priorities in solution of important social and economic objectives, the President of Turkmenistan noted the necessity of systematic improvement of the activity of financial and economic structures. The measures taken for modernization of banking and financial sphere have to meet high international standards according to time demands, the head of the State highlighted, having pointed out the importance to pay special attention to the improvement of professional level of the personnel of relative authorities.

Having focused on the necessity to improve the competency of national economy, efficiency of industrial facilities, to solve successfully the objectives related to the growth of production output, Turkmen leader ordered to accelerate the work on the Draft State Budget together with profile structures.

Furthermore, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov listened to the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev. The Vice-premier reported on the situation in agricultural sector of the country, seasonal agricultural works in the velayats including the ploughing of the fields after cotton harvesting and other agrotechnical works. At present time, picking of the cotton remained in the fields and care of the winter crops are carried out in the regions.

The Vice-premier also reported on the fulfilment of the programme of improvement of the fertility of crop areas, efficient and careful operation of agricultural equipment. It was mentioned that rational use of land and water resources is an important factor of further development of agricultural complex, growth of production and quality of agricultural crops.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted the necessity of strict compliance of works to agricultural standards, active introduction of innovative developments and technologies. It is important for improvement of soil fertility, the President said, having focused on such aspects as crop rotation, development of virgin lands and efficient use of land and water resources.

Thereafter, Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdyliyev reported on the work for comprehensive urban planning of Turkmen capital, situation on construction sites of different facilities, provision of wide spectrum of social benefits to the population.

The Hyakim presented number of projects including social and cultural facilities, living estates, parking zones, list of the buildings in the city for reconstruction as well as new constructions to the Head of the State for review. In particular, it was mentioned that plans of urban construction of the northern part of the capital provide the construction of new living estates. These projects are stipulated in the programme of integrated development of Ashgabat.

In addition, it was informed about the preparation to coming celebrations and development of the programmes of cultural events on occasion of New Year and other remarkable dates of national calendar.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that quality level of works for urban planning of Ashgabat, provision of the population of the capital iwht high social and living conditions are the main objectives of municipal services, having ordered to hold these works under control.

Having studied the projects, the President made number of remarks and relative corrections. Having noted that it is necessary to rake into consideration local conditions during developing of the projects as well as their compliance with national features and time demands, the Head of the State requested to elaborate on these projects.

Having focused on the importance of proper preparation to coming remarkable events, the President highlighted that the work in this direction has to be carried out in cooperation with relative structures and ordered to pay special attention to the decoration of the city and organizational level of planned events.

Finishing video conference session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished great success in work to all participants.