Ï 50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018

50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018

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50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
50 companies from more than 30 countries participates in OGT 2018
XXIII International Exhibition and Conference “Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan 2018” (OGT 2018) organized by the State Concern Turkmenneft and Trade and Industrial Chamber has started work in the capital.

Representative composition of the participants indicates growing interest of international business community to the achievement of modern Turkmenistan, which successfully implements the policy of diversification of production and export of profile production with high added value. In this context, new opportunities for establishment of beneficial partnership in fuel and energy sphere are opened, especially these days when national economy demonstrates stable growth.

Current oil and gas forum has gathered scientists and experts, representatives of Government structures and competent organizations, leading foreign fuel and energy companies and profile institutions of the country and mass media.

Colossal energy potential of Turkmenistan having the largest hydrocarbon reserves in the planet raised great attention of foreign business structures. It was also caused by transparent energy policy of our country and constructive international initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which are aimed at the provision of global energy security and was unanimously supported by the world community.

For all the years, Ashgabat forum acquired the status of leading profile communication ground where the heads of national government structures and foreign companies, international experts have the opportunity to discuss topical subjects of modern energy, to forecast the development of the world fuel and energy complex in mid and long-term perspective.

This year, the Exhibition centre of the Trade an Industrial Chamber hosted the displays of around 50 companies from more than 30 countries as well as divisions of national fuel and energy complex. This fact indicates that, having entered the rank of the biggest world oil and gas powers, Turkmenistan gained the reputation of reliable and perspective partner. Turkmen market became exclusively attractive for representative of foreign business circles due to giant reserves of hydrocarbon resources as well as to favourable investment climate in the country.

Members of the Government, leaders of the Mejlis, ministries and departments, public organizations, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, specialists of oil and gas industry, foreign guests and other took part in the opening ceremony.

During the forum, representatives of the companies and facilities involved in both oil and gas as well as in metallurgy, chemical, heavy engineering, energy industries will have unique opportunity not only to demonstrate the production and potential but also to expand the partnership, to increase the efficiency of business contacts. In its turn, it will make positive effect on consolidation of international cooperation in oil and gas sphere as well as on the rate of integration of national fuel and energy complex to the world energy system.

Halls of the Exhibition centre present the products and services in exploration, production and transportation of hydrocarbon materials, deep drilling, offshore exploration and construction of coastal infrastructure, which is required for implementation of the projects in Caspian Sea, modernization of existing and construction of new pipelines, build-up of production capacities of oil and gas processing, increment of production output of wells.

Important place in the exposition is allocated for ecological innovations and perspective developments in renewable sources of energy sphere, improvement of ecological safety at the facilities – the subjects, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention.

New companies, which interest in cooperation with Turkmen partners grows every year, take part in the forum together with the companies, which has recommended themselves very well in our country.

Exhibition stands of the State Concerns Turkmenneft, Turkmenngaz and profile facilities of the country, which develops rich oil and gas deposits, attract the attention of foreign guests.

According to numerous experts, Ashgabat profile review gives unique opportunity to leading producers of Europe, Asia and America to present advanced equipment, to establish direct trade relations and to solve marketing objectives. Being an efficient platform for business communication between national and foreign specialists, Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan 2018 has been repeatedly the place for launching of new projects, study of the world trends and prospects of growth of the industry as well as became real marketing tool, which support successful development of business.

In the first day of OGT 2018 exhibition, the participants showed keen interest in cooperation with our country where international business is encouraged and foreign investments are protected by sufficient legal framework. Improving the partnership with Turkmen oil and gas concerns and corporations, offering services in supply of equipment and service, foreign companies make contribution to implementation of large-scale objectives set by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the industry.

Exhibition Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan 2018 will continue the work until November 22.