Ï Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018

Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018

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Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018
Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018
Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018
Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018
Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018
Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018
Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018
Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018
Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018
Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018
Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018
Discussion session on the project of TAPI gas pipeline is held under OGT 2018
Profile conference with the participation of the delegates from USA, Europe, Asia, Middle East and CIS countries too place under international oil and gas exhibition. There were specialists of oil and gas industry, representatives of production facilities, scientific circles and other among them, around 500 delegates of 200 international and Government organizations as well as representatives of foreign companies, mass media and diplomatic missions of more than 40 countries altogether.

Foreign specialized magazines, news agencies, publishing houses and internet portals provides significant information support.

Plenary session was held on the first day of the forum. During the session, reports on such topical subject as the perspectives of development of international, regional and local oil and gas industry – the formation of future strategy, transportation of hydrocarbons and marketing strategy has been listened and discussed and review analysis of the trends on oil and gas markets has been made.

The speakers noted that oil and gas industry is the drive of our economy. Policy successfully implemented by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is aimed at the achievement of energy security.

The State Concern Turkmenneft plays special role in solution of the objectives of national oil and gas industry. It unites dozens of profile facilities and carry out all spectrum of works from exploration of hydrocarbon deposits to production and transportation of oil and gas.

It was noted during the conference that solution of outlined objectives in this field is directly related to the consolidation of efforts of Turkmen scientists and representatives of foreign companies, manufacturers of equipment for oil and petroleum processing industry and investment organizations.

In this regard, the proposals of Turkmen side on further expansion of cooperation in oil and gas sphere have been made taking into account that conditions in the country, namely favourable investment climate, unprecedented tax benefits and other are real preconditions for attraction of financial investments to the development of producing and processing industry of national fuel and energy complex.

Discussion session on the project of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line (TAPI) was also held on the first day of the conference. It was mentioned that this project is another actual measure in implementation of energy strategy of Turkmenistan, which key aspects are integrated modernization of fuel and energy complex of the country, build-up of the potential taking into account future perspective, creation of diversified system of transportation of energy carriers to the world market for provision of the balance of interests of producers, transporters and consumers.

It was highlighted that speaking from the positions of equal beneficial cooperation, Turkmenistan significantly expanded the geography of direct energy dialog with foreign partners, established close contacts with leading petroleum companies, competent financial structures of the world together with establishment of traditional relations in this strategic sphere. The fact of colossal gas reserves in Turkmenistan, which was recognized by competent international experts, guarantees long-term supplies of gas, which demand is very high in the world market, to any direction.

International forum Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan 2018 will continue the work on the next day.