Ï Top managers of PETRONAS, Dragon Oil and SOCAR share the vision of perspectives of the partnership with Turkmenistan

Top managers of PETRONAS, Dragon Oil and SOCAR share the vision of perspectives of the partnership with Turkmenistan

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Teh Yat Hong, the General Director of PETRONAS Carigali (Turkmenistan) Sdn. Bhd

I come to Turkmenistan for participation in various profile reviews with Gas Congress and International Exhibition and Conference Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan 2018 as the most important ones for five years. In addition to its direct purpose, these forums serves as a ground for presentation of the achievements and capabilities of Turkmenistan.

This year, profile conference has gathered many participants including representatives of foreign companies, who receive competent and specific information of the situation in oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan during the forum. I think that this is very important and has to be an example for other countries. This is obvious that conferences and exhibitions are the most efficient methods for popularization of the country and its capabilities.

How productive is the cooperation between PETRONAS and Turkmenistan?

PETRONAS works in Turkmenistan since 1996 and our partnership is very firm. We have invested around 10.5 billion US dollars. It is reflected in the obligations of the company, our confidence in long-term partnership and implementation of future projects, which we plan to start in Turkmenistan.

All these years, we did not just invested but also build and commission the equipment, which allows us producing more than 5 billion cubic meters of gas and 35 – 40 thousand ballers of oil per day. It is very important for us, as the State Concern Turkmengaz is one of our main customer. We hope for further expansion of this beneficial partnership. Offshore block of Caspian Sea was allocated to PETRONAS Carigali (Turkmenistan) Sdn. Bhd. For oil and gas production. This is very promising project taking into consideration the amount of hydrocarbon reserves in this area.

Speaking of gas, it is worth asking what is your assessment of TAPI project and its effect on regional energy security?

I think that TAPI project is very important and perspective for your country and all countries of the region. Turkmenistan is on the forth position in the world by gas reserves and this fact is known to everyone. It is obvious that your state has to monetize these reserves and TAPI project is one of the ways to achieve this target. Therefore, it is necessary to put maximum efforts to promote and implement this project. This ambitious project has huge strategic importance for Turkmenistan.

We have been watching closely the work and I think that TAPI Limited would present us the report on achieved progress. It is important that information on the course of the project implementation and difficulties that are encountered during implementation are presented on regular base at the Congress and OGT conferences. In this aspect, the Government of Turkmenistan does right thing.

During official visit to Malaysia, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the Head Office of PETRONAS. There is question in this regard, what is your opinion on the policy pursued by Turkmen leader in fuel and energy complex?

Taking a look at global industry you will see that gas remains and will remain as one of the main components of energy industry. The work of PETRONAS is based on this today. Mainly, our activity is concentrated on gas (around 70 percent) including liquefied gas and then on oil. Turkmenistan shares this opinion on global needs. Following the world trends, the Head of Turkmen state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays great attention to development of national oil and gas industry. TAPI project is one of the components of this policy and Trans-Caspian pipeline might be such component in future. There is huge gas market in Europe and diversification of energy policy of the country by pipelines is very perspective thing. In addition, Turkmenistan aims to sale not only gas but also its products, which are more expensive. Modern processing facilities are built and transport system is developed in the country for this purpose. Such strategy of Turkmen leader is the result of well thought and scientifically based approach.

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Mohammed Abdullah Al-Raisi, the General Manager of Dragon Oil

We participate in OGT International Conference and Exhibition regularly and every time, the forum gathers more exhibitors, which speaks about many things. I think that such exhibitions and conferences are very important for oil and gas industry, its promotion and development. I would like to make special mention of huge personal contribution of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to development of national fuel and energy sector. We are proud to be the part of this development.

Dragon Oil is old and reliable partner of our country. Please tell few words about the work your company does in Turkmenistan.

Our main activity is oil production and trade. We work in Hazar block of Caspian Sea and have been carrying out the activity in production sphere. We successfully work with the State Concern Turkmenneft, to which we would like to express the gratitude for comprehensive support. Due to this relations and cooperation, we are developing permanently in Turkmenistan. Annual output production of Dragon Oil is growing every year. At present, we produce 90 thousand barrels of oil per day and plan to increase the production to100 thousand barrels per day by the next year or by 2020.

This is not only oil but also gas that plays big role in provision of global energy security. What is your opinion on the importance of the project of construction of TAPI gas line?

Successful implementation of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline project will make positive effect not only on the economy of Turkmenistan but also on economy of all countries in the region. It will increase the export of Turkmen hydrocarbons. As you know, we orient on work with oil, however, since TAPI project has appeared, we work on production and processing of associated petroleum gas. We are looking forward for the launch of TAPI pipeline as its commissioning will be useful for our projects.

Tell some words about the company participation in social projects.

Since Dragon Oil started to work in Turkmenistan, we are actively involved in social projects. Our company works in four directions – sports, health protection, social sphere and environmental protection. We invest in these sphere to be useful for the society and Turkmen people. In the future, we plan to activate our activity. This is great honour for us to support the development of social sector in Turkmenistan.

For example, our company works close with the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources and takes active part in tree planting campaigns and other activities. We always support any initiative useful for the society.

What do you think about future partnership with Turkmenistan?

As is known, diversification of fuel and energy complex is strategic direction of the development of your country. Our company makes contribution to this process as well. Our cooperation is carried out in three directions – partnership with the State Concern Turkmenneft, social and cultural spheres. These positions are priority for us and we plan to develop and expand our cooperation with Turkmenistan under this. Being open for cooperation, we always analyse the opportunity to improve the partnership.

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Rasim Valiyev, the Representative of the State Oli Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR):

This is my third visit here and SOCAR takes part for the fifth time in annual Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan exhibition and conference. The interest of foreign partners in fuel and energy complex of your country always grows, which is indicated by number and composition of the participants of the forum. I see permanent participants of the forum among them – we have met in beautiful Ashgabat some time ago and are glad to meet again on your hospitable land.

Organization of the exhibition is excellent as usual, the composition of the participants is impressive and it has everything what you need to see and has those people who you can demonstrate your achievements. Every year, not only your oil and gas complex but also your country and beautiful capital demonstrates new wonderful achievements in its development.

What is your opinion on the perspectives of cooperation between Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan on energy market in the context of regional energy security?

As you know, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan oil producers have old experience of joint work. Being young geologist, I personally went and work in Cheleken, Ekerem and other parts of Turkmenistan rich with hydrocarbon reserves, therefore I am familiar with Turkmen oil and gas sector. We have always been friends with Turkmen oil and gas producers. I am confident that in the future, the relations between our fraternal countries and friendly nations will be strengthened and expanded. This is supported by the meeting of our leader, for example, the visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan last year.

Turkmen – Azeri partnership involves not only fuel and energy complex but also transport, agriculture and other spheres. For example, bilateral documents on cooperation in different spheres including energy sector have been signed last year. It give favourable conditions for implementation of joint projects. God willing, we will continue work close in long-term perspective.

As you know, the visit of the President of Azerbaijan to Turkmenistan will take place very soon, which results, we believe, will open new perspectives in development of relations between our countries.

In this regard, I can add to what has been said before that five-side Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea adopted recently give additional impulse to further cooperation in Caspian Sea and probably in other spheres. Our relations are based on friendship and goodwill, common history, culture and traditions of fraternal nations.

Azerbaijan often acts as transit country. For example, Turkmen oil goes by our main pipeline to the world markets. I am confident that our contacts will expand in the future. Coming meeting of the leaders of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan will serve to further rapprochement our states and nations.

As you know, Turkmenistan proposed the initiative of construction of TAPI gas line. What is your opinion on the importance of this transnational projects in solution of current economic and social issues in Afghanistan?

We rejoice at the success of Turkmenistan in all spheres and of course, in oil and gas industry. your President proposed initiative on construction of TAPI pipeline some time ago. Undoubtedly, wise policy and beneficial contracts in oil and gas sphere give opportunity for development to all countries participating in the project. I wish the project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line will be successfully implemented. When the country has gas, it brings comfort, warmth and light to the houses. Let all good projects to be implemented for the sake of people.