Ï Participants of OGT 2018 forum discuss key trends of development of fuel and energy complex

Participants of OGT 2018 forum discuss key trends of development of fuel and energy complex

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Participants of OGT 2018 forum discuss key trends of development of fuel and energy complex
Participants of OGT 2018 forum discuss key trends of development of fuel and energy complex
Participants of OGT 2018 forum discuss key trends of development of fuel and energy complex
Participants of OGT 2018 forum discuss key trends of development of fuel and energy complex
Participants of OGT 2018 forum discuss key trends of development of fuel and energy complex
Participants of OGT 2018 forum discuss key trends of development of fuel and energy complex
Participants of OGT 2018 forum discuss key trends of development of fuel and energy complex
Participants of OGT 2018 forum discuss key trends of development of fuel and energy complex
Last day of International Conference OGT 2018 was opened by the session dedicated to priority directions and forecasts of development of petrochemical industry as well as to the world trends of market development. Representatives of foreign oil, gas and service companies, big competent organizations, different Government structures, ministries and departments from Russia, USA, Japan, UK, Germany, China, France, UAE, Malaysia and other European, Asian, Middle East and CIS countries as well as national and foreign mass media took part in the forum.

It was mentioned that importance of natural gas as the most environmentally friendly source of energy became more significant in the last decades. Undoubtedly, natural gas and petrochemical industry will play the same role in the world economy and energy of XXI century as oil and oil products played in the last century.in this context, the participants of the forum focused on the development of gas processing facilities in Turkmenistan, which are aimed at high quality and export oriented production.

Petrochemical complex for production of polyethylene and polypropylene was put into operation in Kiyanly, Balkan velayat in October this year with the participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. In addition, facilities for production of carbamide, potassium fertilizers, sulphuric acid have been launched in Turkmenistan. The construction of the plant for production of fuel from natural gas based on Japanese GTL technology is at the final stage.

Representatives of national ministries and concerns noted that it is planned to implement several projects in the country soon, which are aimed at the expansion of petrochemical production including low density linear polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl acetate, polyvinylchloride, methanol, liquid chlorine, sodium sulphate and other.

Next session of the conference was dedicated to investment climate in oil and gas sphere of Turkmenistan, development of innovative technologies in exploration and production of hydrocarbons.

The presenters noted that at present time, hundreds millions tons of oil and trillions cubic meters of gas have been explored in our country, which is enough for guaranteed provision of these materials to local consumers and for export for many years. Around two hundred deposits have been discovered in Turkmenistan, hundreds of oil and gas perspective structures have been prepared for deep drilling. It is planned to study the perspectives of oil potential of pre-Jurassic deposits in central and northern regions of Turkmenistan soon. Prospecting and exploration of deep surfaces, which have not been studied completely, are carried out actively in the southwest of the country.

It was mentioned during the discussions that perspective deposits in our country open big opportunities for the investments and beneficial cooperation and representatives of leading international companies expressed the willingness to provide Turkmen partners with advanced, efficient technologies in the sphere of exploration and development of hard-to-access deposits on land and in Caspian offshore.

Final session of the OGT 2018 Conference was dedicated to the analysis of the product market of oil processing industry, production of environmentally friendly fuel and perspective of development of ‘green economy’.

The participants of the session noted that fundamental changes have been made for short historical period in oil processing branch of Turkmenistan. This is visually indicated by Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex, which is equal to leading oil refineries of the world. Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex produce competitive oil products like diesel fuel, high quality road bitumen, lubricants, polypropylene, liquefied gas and other goods meeting high ecological standards.

Technological platforming, catalyst cracking, polymerization, lubricant production, diesel fuel hydro treatment units have been built and put into operation under the first phase of Turkmenbashy refinery reconstruction with the participation of different foreign companies. Their infrastructure provides technology facilities of the refinery with all necessary energy resources.

Practice acquired during solution of different issues in development of oil refinery industry of Turkmenistan demonstrated that implementation of scientific and technological innovations expands the variety of products and export capabilities improving the positions of the country in global oil and gas market.

Format of the conference as well as meeting and talks at the fields of the forum gave opportunities to discuss topical aspects of cooperation. Therefore, the participants received substantial information about the condition and key directions of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan. They have also outlined the sphere of consolidation of the interests and shared the practice of cooperation.