Ï Joint Statement of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev

Joint Statement of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev

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Official visit of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Turkmenistan was held on November 22, 2018 by the invitation of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

During the talks, which were held in the atmosphere of friendship and trust, the sides exchanged the visions of entire complex of subject of bilateral cooperation as well as cooperation in international arena. The Presidents noted that the achievement of understanding on wide range of subjects.

Based on the Declaration on Strategic Partnership between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan from August 8, 2017, the Heads of the States stated with delight high level of bilateral relations that have strategic character, which would serve to further improvement of historically traditionally friendly and neighbouring relations between the nations of two countries.

The Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan stated the proximity and similarity of the positions on key subjects of international politics and confirmed the intent to activate beneficial cooperation in the world arena.

Having discussed practical fulfilment of previous agreements and signed bilateral documents, the Presidents highlighted high dynamics of development of interstate relations in political, trade and economic, transport and communication, scientific and technical, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

The Presidents highlighted the necessity of coordination of the efforts under universal and regional organizations where Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan are the members. The Presidents confirmed the importance of improvement of the role of the United Nations and its institutes in solution of global issues, provision of sustainable development, strengthening of security and stability in the world as well as improvement of the efforts of the world community against aggression acts that present threat to peace in the world.

The Heads of the State again confirmed that Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan provide strong support of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders of each other.

The Presidents noted the necessity to solve the conflicts by peaceful means according to universally recognized principles and standards of international law based on respect and commitment to the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders of the states.

The Heads of the States expressed the confidence that stable and trustful character of the relations between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan meets crucial and long-term interests of the nations of two countries as well as serves as key factor in provision of peace, stability and security in the region.

The Presidents highlighted the importance of the Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea signed on 12 August 2018 by the heads of Caspian states and noted that this fundamental document is to make solid foundation of the architecture of the relations in Caspian Sea as well as would support further strengthening of stability and security in the region.

The Heads of the states noted that efficient implementation of the provisions of the Convention also requires the solution of the subjects related to the demarcation of the bottom and reserves between the sides following the principles and standards of international law.

The Heads of the States highlighted the necessity to continue the work of Joint Work Group on demarcation issues of Caspian bottom between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Having stated the necessity of further development of cooperation in the counteraction against international terrorism, extremism, illegal migration, illegal narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances trafficking, transboundary organized crime and other challenges and threats of international security both on bilateral level and under international structures.

The Presidents highlighted strategic character of further expansion of beneficial trade and economic cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In this regard, the Presidents confirmed the importance of further increment of the volumes of trade and expansion of its range by involvement of products with high added value to the trade turnover including practical implementation of the Programme of trade and economic cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019 – 2021.

The Heads of the States highlighted the necessity of further improvement of the role of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Azeri Commission for economic cooperation as coordinating authority for development of bilateral trade and economic relations especially in trade and economic, transport and communication spheres and noted the appropriateness of its session in near future.

The Head of the States noted the importance of creation of favourable economic, financial and legal conditions for entrepreneurship activity, improvement of the opportunities of bringing of goods and services to the world markets, organizations of business forums, which would improve the contacts between business circles of two countries.

In this regard, having made special mention that mutual investments are one of the factors of economic cooperation, the Presidents expressed the willingness to continue supporting, protecting and encouraging the investments in the spheres presenting mutual interest.

The Presidents confirmed that intensification of close cooperation in transport and transit sphere has great importance in development of international trade between the countries and regions.

Heads of the States supported the foundation of Turkmen – Azeri Joint Commission on Transport, Transit and Logistics for operational solution of the issues of transportation of transit, export and import cargos of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Heads of the States expressed the intent to continue supporting important projects in transport sphere meeting the interests of two countries including the project of Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey transport corridor as well as the projects under Trans Caspian International transport route.

For improvement of the competiveness and attractiveness of international transport routes crossing the territories of two countries, the Presidents again confirmed the willingness to continue systematic beneficial cooperation aimed at further optimization of the tariffs and provision of preferential terms for transit of foreign trade cargos.

The Heads of the State mentioned the necessity of the involvement of high potential of Turkmenbashy International Seaport and Baku International Sea Trade Port in full volume, which would support the development of transit potential of two countries and creation of favourable conditions for the growth of volumes of transit cargos across Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The importance of practical implementation of the Agreement on Transit and Transport cooperation (Lazuli Route Agreement) from 15 November 2017 has been noted.

In this context, the Head of the States agreed to hold the meeting of the Foreign Ministries and heads of transport structures in the first half of 2019 for timely implementation of the Agreement.

Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan paid special attention to the cooperation in humanitarian sphere, having highlighted the importance of the contacts between relevant organizations, cultural and art personnel, research centres, educational institutes and mass media. The agreement on activation of the cooperation in science and technology, sports and tourism has been reached.

The Presidents said about the willingness of their states to intensify the relations in sport sphere as well as noted the necessity to improve bilateral cooperation in training of sportsmen, development of mass sport and sport science.

The Heads of the States stated with delight successful IV Islamic Solidarity Games held in Baku on May 12 – 22, 2017 and V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in Ashgabat on September 17 – 27, 20017 as well as expressed the willingness to exchange the practice in organization of similar international sport events.

Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan highlighted the necessity of further improvement and expansion of legal and regulatory framework of bilateral cooperation. In this regard, the Heads of the States highlighted the importance of bilateral documents signed during current visit, which would serve to further improvement of the relations between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Presidents expressed the confidence that the talks and documents signed during the visit would give new impulse to further development of bilateral cooperation in different spheres, would serve to the interests of fraternal nations of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan and would support the growth of their wealth comprehensively.

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev expressed the gratitude to President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the hospitality, warm and friendly reception rendered to the delegation of Azerbaijan and invited the President of Turkmenistan to visit the Republic of Azerbaijan at any convenient time. the invitation was accepted with gratitude. The time of the visit will be coordinated by diplomatic channels.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev

Ashgabat, 22 November 2018