Ï Aspects of Integration of National Minorities Discussed at Meeting Held under Auspices of OSCE

Aspects of Integration of National Minorities Discussed at Meeting Held under Auspices of OSCE

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The Conference Hall of the capital’s Yyldyz Hotel hosted a round table dedicated to the aspects of integration of national minorities into all spheres of public life. The meeting was attended by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Lamberto Zannier, the Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat, Natalya Drozd, advisers to the OSCE High Commissioner, Bob Deen, Andrei Khanzhin and Elzbieta Kuzborska, representatives of ministries and government agencies of Turkmenistan, the country’s public organizations, mass media etc.

The attendees noted with appreciation that the policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov led to the observance and realization of human and civil rights and freedoms in line with internationally recognized norms and standards become a permanent focus in Turkmenistan

The humanitarian dimension is one of the key elements of Turkmenistan’s domestic and foreign policy. The national legislation and universally recognized international norms serve as a basis for consistent work on safeguarding and securing the rights, freedoms and interests of all people residing in our country.

As was noted, in recent years Turkmenistan granted citizenship to over eight thousand persons, which is in line with the OSCE principles in terms of integration of minorities. These humane solutions are the most telling demonstrations of our country’s continued commitment to the principles of humanism and goodwill innate in the Turkmen people and translated into action in the new historic era.

During the engaged exchange of views, the participants of the round table expressed their confidence that the meeting would contribute to successful promotion of the constructive cooperation between Turkmenistan and the OSCE in this field.