Ï Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably

Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably

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Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
Ecosystem of manmade island in Turkmenbashy Bay develops stably
As is known, the soil extracted during the construction of International Seaport was used to make artificial island in the bay next to Turkmenbashy. This island with area of 170 hectares became the place of habitation, nesting and hibernation of water birds. Group of scientists of the Academy of Science of Turkmenistan, State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources and Agricultural University visited the island to evaluate the condition of the island before winter season.

Leading Scientist of vertebrate animals’ laboratory of National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna, candidate of biological sciences Pavel Erokhin made calculation of the swans, ducks, seagulls, sandpipers and cormorants at the shoreline. It was observed that predator birds like white-tailed eagles, marsh harrier, golden eagle included the island in the hunting areas.

The scientists together with the personnel of Hazar Natural Preserve have also visited the Soymonov Bay, which is inhabited by around five thousand coots, shelducks and teals that arrived for hibernation at present time. Part of them will migrate to southern parts of Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea.

Specialists of the Institute of Chemistry took the probes of coastal water and soil. The condition of flora was inspected by the scientists of the Institute of Biology and Medicinal Plants. Quantitative and species analysis of the vegetation has been made and its condition has been studied. The participants of one-day exhibition planted several trees of eastern thuja.

“Tamarix and Salicornia forming up the thickets of 1.5 meter height are growing well. Suaeda, southern reed, climocaptera are met occasionally, - Head of geobotany laboratory of the Institute of Biology and Medicinal Plants, candidate of biological sciences Pirli Kepbanov said in the conversation. –Current condition of the vegetation indicates that ecosystem develops stably and changeover of plant communities might happen in the future. At present time, only the halophytes are able to grow in the condition of high salinity of the soil.

However, they might be replaced with black saxaul, nitraria, lyceum and other plants”.