Ï Topical issues of the State life are discussed at video conference working session

Topical issues of the State life are discussed at video conference working session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference working session with the participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of some ministries and departments. Topical subjects of the State life have been discussed during the session.

First, the Head of the State called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who reported on the outcomes of the working visit of Turkmenistan delegation to Brussels (the Kingdom of Belgium) for the participation in regular “European Union – Central Asia meeting on foreign minister level.

Cooperation in five main directions has been discussed during the meeting. It includes the development of renewed EU strategy for Central Asia; regional cooperation; integration, investments and economic partnership, cooperation in sustainable development and climate change, environmental protection and water problems; provision of security. In this regard, it was noted that presentation of Turkmenistan delegation was based on priority positions of our state.

In particular, the proposal on three-tier format of political talks in Central Asia providing specialists’ consultations, meetings on ministerial level and summits of the heads of the states have been made in the context of development of regional cooperation. Such practice gives opportunity to consider the subject on the foundation of the Advisory Board of the heads of the state of the region. In addition, the proposal of Turkmen side on the Forum on cooperation and security in Central Asia has been made.

Special attention has been paid to such five main vectors as energy, industry, agriculture, transport and trade in the context of economic direction.

During discussion of the issues of climate change, environmental protection and water problems, Turkmen delegations informed about planned measures for implementation of the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan on development of the UN Special Programme for Aral Sea basin.

Regarding to the positions of our country in water and energy range of issues, they are invariably based on three main principles as follows. Water issues in Central Asia have to solved following universal standards of international law based f mutual respect and agreement, taking into account the interest of all countries in the region with wide and active participation of international organizations, especially the UN.

Joint Communique reflecting key positions of Turkmen side has been adopted by the outcomes of the meeting.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that European direction is one of the key vectors of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan. From the first days of the independence, our country actively develops the cooperation with the European Union in multilateral and bilateral format with the UN members. Today, this traditional dialog has all conditions for entering new level meeting modern realities and common strategic goals of development.

Trade and economic sphere, energy, transport and communication section, humanitarian field, scientific, educational and cultural relations as well as consolidation of efforts for provision of universal peace, security and stability have been highlighted among priority directions of cooperation.

Summing up what was said, the Head of the State gave specific instructions to the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister on further improvement of fruitful partnership with the European Union and practical implementation of achieved agreements.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that our country would continue following chosen foreign course, actively participating in the activity of the world community and steadily standing for peace-loving creative positions in the world arena. In this regard, the Head of the State ordered to continue targeted work for implementation of constructive initiative of Turkmenistan made at the session of the UN General Assembly and other representative forums related to the solution of vital subjects of the present day including water problems.

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister reported on the preparation to the UNESCO International Conference “Importance of the Silk Road: Present and Future Development”.

It was mentioned that the above-mentioned forum planned to be held in Ashgabat on December 6 – 7 is very important. Turkmen side together with the UNESCO representatives take coordinated measures for its successful organization.

The work of the Conference will be carried out in the format of plenary and sectional sessions. The agenda will include wide spectrum of issues related to the activation of cooperation between the countries located along the Silk Road.

The 5th session of the UNESCO Coordination Committee on inclusion of the Silk Road to the World Heritage List will take place before the Forum.

Having signed relative document and ordered to provide high organizational level of the Conference and the session of the Coordination Committee, the Head of the State highlighted that while located at important intersection of regional and transcontinental routes, our country makes specific initiatives on restoration of the Silk Road in new conditions and on formation of multimodal transit, transport and logistic infrastructure in North – South and West – East directions.

The President also said that International Transport Conference in Avaza National tourist zone this week is also aimed at the solution of these objectives. Therefore, the Silk Road is to connect Asia and Europe today as well as their people on the principles of respect and trust and to support the improvement of friendship and long-term cooperation.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the preparation of cultural events planned for the celebration of New Year.

It was mentioned that the programme of New year events includes the concerts, contests and exhibitions, circus performances and other entertainment events, which will be held in all parts of the country.

After, the Head of the State called Minister of Agriculture and Water Management of Turkmenistan A. Yazmyradov who reported on the preparation to new agricultural year and reforms in agricultural complex.

Information about the settlement of the payments with the farmers for produced harvest, readiness of agricultural equipment to new season, field works, measures for provision of the farmers with irrigation water and mineral fertilizers has been presented.

Having noted that the base of the next year harvest is laid at present time, the President of the country pointed out that it is necessary to make thorough analysis of the situation in this field and to accelerate the rates of works in this direction.

The Head of the State ordered the Minister to pay special attention to efficient and rational use of water resources and land fund, improvement of crops production and land fertility, increment of production and export volumes of agricultural crops and training of professional personnel.

The Head of the State highlighted that it is necessary to implement new economic solutions to the agriculture more actively including by full involvement of the capabilities of national entrepreneurship.

The President of Turkmenistan said that such approach is to be used in all sections of agricultural complex. It is necessary to support capable, talented and business people. Let them build agricultural processing facilities, dairy farms and develop livestock farming efficiently. Beneficial loans will be presented to those who will work in these directions.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Chairman of the State Corporation Turkmengeologiya Sh. Abdrahmanov who informed about the situation in the sphere under his supervision, survey works for exploration of new oil, gas and other natural reserves deposits.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan demanded to carry out systematic geological survey of the subsoils and sources of material reserves on proper level together with the improvement of the management of the industry.

The Head of the State highlighted that our country has significant natural wealth. It is necessary to intensify geological surveys including by 3-D seismic survey method, to increase the scale of drilling works, construction of exploration and production wells for further improvement of resource base. Special attention has to be paid to the studies made for discovery of the deposits in the depth of seven and more kilometres.

The Head of the State set the objective to the Head of the State Corporation Turkmengeologia to make comprehensive analysis of work carried out in these important directions and to take relative measures for improvement of the efficiency of this work.

Minster of Railway Transport A. Atamyradov reported on the situation in the structure under his supervision, particularly on the implementation of the programme of development of the branch, fulfilment of the assignments for electrification of the railroads of the country given by the Head of the State. It was also informed on the preparation to International Transport Conference in Avaza National tourist zone.

The Minister reported that at present time, the work for electrification of the railroads is carried out by phases. Measures for control of railway transport, strengthening of equipment and facilities base of the branch, improvement of passenger service level are taken.

Information about the construction of additional 10 km line for development of Akina railway station has been presented. It was informed that specialists of the Ministry have developed relevant plan, according to which Turkmen railway constructors would build the line in Afghanistan.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted that our country improves its potential of transit and transport hub and increases the volume of cargo traffic in North – South direction these days. It was mentioned that it is necessary to involve all available capabilities to enhance the status of Turkmenistan as transport centre of international significance, to introduce new technologies, to exchange the practice and productive developments with foreign partners and to provide the investments to the sphere.

Having addressed the Minister with number of specific assignments on this account, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov specified immediate objectives related to the electrification of the railroads, mentioned the role of Turkmen – Japanese cooperation in this direction and ordered to study the opportunities of practical implementation of the best world practice.

Focusing on the creation of multimodal system of communications, Turkmen leader highlighted that development of logistics as scientific and technical direction of the realization of transport and transit potential of the country puts the introduction of the most modern engineering solutions to this sphere, organizational and methodological approaches to the first place. This is economic benefit, reduction of cost and time of cargo delivery, which serves as the main advantage in the conditions of market competition, the Head of the State noted.

Speaking of the construction of the railroad in Afghanistan, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that all facilities of its infrastructure have to be provided with the latest equipment and meet international standards by all parameters. In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also noted the necessity to make proper conditions for work of the specialists in this sphere.

Having noted the significance of coming forum, which is to demonstrate huge potential of national transport system and to become the platform for constructive discussion of topical subjects of cooperation in this sphere, the President addressed the Minister with number of instructions on the conduct of transport conference.

Thereafter, the Head of the State called the Minister of Health Protection and Medical Industry N. Amannepesov who reported on the work in his structures. In particular, it was informed about the measures for further improvement of equipment and facilities base of the industry, provision of medical facilities with medicines, renewal of scientific approaches to organization of mass preventive activity and development of international cooperation.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that equipment and facilities modernization of the health protection sphere is aimed at the expansion of high quality medical services to the population and improvement of specialized medical aid in treatment, therefore, the realization of the projects of construction of new medical facilities calls for greater attention to their personnel provision and taring of personnel.

The Head of the State ordered to hold the reforms in the system of health protection, especially in rural areas, under strict control. It is also necessary to build modern medical facilities, to reconstruct the existing hospitals, to provide them with new equipment, medicine and to improve ambulance service.

The President demanded to enhance the attention to preventive work of medical service in winter period. It is necessary to carry out educational activity in this sphere in high educational institutes, schools and preschool facilities, to take timely preventive measures for non-spread of seasonal diseases and to carry out the vaccination.

The Minister of Health Protection and Medicinal Industry was requested to implement strict control of the realization of the Programme of provision of the residential areas with drinking water and to hold under attention sanitary condition of cities and villages.

The Head of the State focused the attention of the Minister that new sanatorium for 200 patients, which is under construction in Bagabat, Ak Bugday etrap, International Burning Centre for 130 patients in Ashgabat and International Treatment and Aesthetical Centre have to be put into operation as per the schedule and have to be completely equipped with medical hardware.

Having signed the Resolution on the II International High-level Conference on prevention and combating of non-infectious diseases in Turkmenistan in April 2019, the Head of the State gave specific instructions on organization of this important event to the Minister.

After, the Head of the State called President of the Academy of Sciences S. Toliyev who reported on the work of the institutes under the supervision of the Academy, topical subjects under study of the specialists, directions of innovative and technological activity.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the importance of development of ecological problems as the issues of natural protection sphere and climate change acquire special scientific significance for the formation of ecological policy of the state.

Having noted that the Academy of Sciences is the most important organization for development of the economy and society, the President highlighted that development of innovations, know-hows and efficient solutions for various ranches of industrial complex of the country are the priority of the Academy.

The progress of any state is defined by the level of development of sciences and education in modern conditions. Comprehensive involvement of intellectual potential of the society, introduction of advanced scientific achievements for intensive growth and bringing of the economy to new level, which is directly related to use f high technologies, results of fundamental and applied studies, are key factors in this direction.

The Head of the State noted the importance of modern organization of the system of training of young scientific personnel, programme measures for development of sciences including in universities. The country permanently improve equipment and facilities base of scientific school, which allows expanding the spectrum of scientific and research directions and actively implement achieved results to the production.

The State has right to expect the dividends from support and creation of all conditions for development of science. It is necessary to use the best world practice in this sphere more actively, to improve international cooperation, to develop the projects of full innovative cycle, to consolidate the relations of profile scientific and research institutes with profile universities and facilities of real sector of the economy, to form up the market of intellectual property in the country, the President said.

Finishing the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished great success in work to all participants.