Ï Turkmenistan improves cooperation with the European Union

Turkmenistan improves cooperation with the European Union

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The delegation of Turkmenistan chaired by Vice-premier, Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov made working trip to Brussel where took part in regular European Union – central Asia meeting on the level of the foreign ministers. The Head of the State was informed during video conference session on November 26.

Vice-premier, Head of the Foreign Minister R. Meredov informed that cooperation in five main directions has been discussed during the meeting. It includes the development of renewed EU strategy for Central Asia; regional cooperation; integration, investments and economic partnership, cooperation in sustainable development and climate change, environmental protection and water problems; provision of security. In this regard, it was noted that presentation of Turkmenistan delegation was based on priority positions of our state.

In particular, the proposal on three-tier format of political talks in Central Asia providing specialists’ consultations, meetings on ministerial level and summits of the heads of the states have been made in the context of development of regional cooperation. Such practice gives opportunity to consider the subject on the foundation of the Advisory Board of the heads of the state of the region. In addition, the proposal of Turkmen side on the Forum on cooperation and security in Central Asia has been made.

Special attention has been paid to such five main vectors as energy, industry, agriculture, transport and trade in the context of economic direction.

During discussion of the issues of climate change, environmental protection and water problems, Turkmen delegations informed about planned measures for implementation of the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan on development of the UN Special Programme for Aral Sea basin.

Regarding to the positions of our country in water and energy range of issues, they are invariably based on three main principles as follows. Water issues in Central Asia have to solved following universal standards of international law based f mutual respect and agreement, taking into account the interest of all countries in the region with wide and active participation of international organizations, especially the UN.

Joint Communique reflecting key positions of Turkmen side has been adopted by the outcomes of the meeting.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that European direction is one of the key vectors of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan. From the first days of the independence, our country actively develops the cooperation with the European Union in multilateral and bilateral format with the UN members. Today, this traditional dialog has all conditions for entering new level meeting modern realities and common strategic goals of development.

Trade and economic sphere, energy, transport and communication section, humanitarian field, scientific, educational and cultural relations as well as consolidation of efforts for provision of universal peace, security and stability have been highlighted among priority directions of cooperation.

Summing up what was said, the Head of the State gave specific instructions to the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister on further improvement of fruitful partnership with the European Union and practical implementation of achieved agreements.