Ï Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Harmonization of efforts in transport sphere is one of the most import initiatives of Turkmenistan

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Harmonization of efforts in transport sphere is one of the most import initiatives of Turkmenistan

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the greetings to the participants of International transport forum. “Let me extend my congratulations on the start of work of International Conference of the Ministers of Transport of the country members of the Agreement on Transport and Transit Cooperation (Lapis Lazuli) in Avaza National tourist zone, - the message says.

Harmonization of common efforts in transport sphere is one of the most import initiatives made by Turkmenistan as cooperation in transport and communication sphere is very important at present being the main factor of universal sustainable development. While making direct impact on the efficiency of global economic relations, this sphere is among the main vectors of the world economy. Turkmenistan makes specific proposals in this direction and implements large-scale projects on creation of transnational transport and transit corridors together with foreign partners.

Kazakhstan – Turkmenistan – Iran, Kerky – Ymamnazar (Turkmenistan) – Akina (Afghanistan) railroads, which have been built for the short period and put into operation, as well as reconstructed Serhetabat – Turgundy railroad, railway and automobile bridge across Amudarya River, modern airport in Ashgabat and velayats, highways and other transport projects are visual evidence of active integration of Turkmen State to international transport and communication infrastructure, - the message mentions.

The role of Turkmenistan, which occupies favourable geographic location on the intersection of Europe and Asia, grows as an important transport and transit hub of regional and continental significance. The country successfully implements large-scale projects aimed at integrated modernization of equipment and facilities base of transport sphere, expansion of existing and creation of new transport and communication infrastructure.

As is known, five-sided Agreement on formation of Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey transport corridor has been signed during VII Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan (RECCA VII) on November 14 – 15.

This document is an important outcome of weighted policy for universal prosperity in international relations. This multimodal transport corridor running across Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey will support the improvement of fruitful relations on huge geo-economic space including Central and South Asia, Caspian and Black Sea and Mediterranean regions.

Our initiatives support active integration of transport sphere of Turkmenistan to the system of the world economic relations, formation of big logistic centres in the country, which provide the coordination of multimodal regional cargo transportation, which is very important in the restoration of the Silk Road in modern format and its efficient use, the message highlights.

International forum in our country will make huge contribution to further development of beneficial partnership in transport sphere, establishment of ecological, safe, reliable and profitable transport and transit corridors supporting stable economic progress, consolidation of cooperation and to trade relations between the countries.

Let me extend my congratulation again on the beginning of International conference dedicated to the development of transport and transit cooperation! I am confident that this high-level forum will be very important in exchange of practice and expansion of international cooperation in transport sphere”.