Ï Turkmen leader and the head of Buried Hill Energy discuss perspective of cooperation

Turkmen leader and the head of Buried Hill Energy discuss perspective of cooperation

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Turkmen leader and the head of Buried Hill Energy discuss perspective of cooperation
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Executive Director Buried Hill Energy Peter Kallos.

Greeting the Head of the State, the businessman expressed sincere gratitude for the time spared for the meeting and opportunity to discuss import subjects of bilateral cooperation in personal conversation. Having noted that he is always coming to our country with great pleasure, the guest confirmed high interest of his petroleum company in expansion of business relations with Turkmenistan, which has significant energy potential.

Turkmen leader highlighted that while implementing large-scale programmes of modernization and diversification of oil and gas complex, which is the main branch of national economy, our country is always open for long-term partnership with leading foreign companies, which have great experience and advanced technologies in this strategic sphere.

During the meeting, the Head of the State and his guest discussed the outcomes of joint work and perspectives of cooperation including in exploration and development of oil and gas deposits of Turkmen part of Caspian Sea. The importance of the Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea signed in August this year, which opened new opportunities for activation of beneficial cooperation of coastal states with the world business community, has been highlighted in this context.

Dynamic rates of economic development of Turkmenistan, which is the rank of the world energy powers having colossal reserves of oil and gas, as well as favourable investment climate, all of these make prepositions for efficient work of foreign companies and big joint projects in different fields for the benefits of both countries, Peter Kallos highlighted.

In the end of the meeting, the businessman expressed sincere gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for detailed conversation, having assured that from its ide, Buried Hill Energy would put all efforts for activation of productive cooperation with Turkmenistan, which enjoys high reputation among business circles as perspective partner.