Ï Talyp Sport is the winner of 2018 Futsal Neutrality Cup

Talyp Sport is the winner of 2018 Futsal Neutrality Cup

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The winner of the 2018 Futsal Neutrality Cup among the teams of ministries, departments and universities, which contested on the fields of the Olympic village for a week, has become known.

Sportsmen of Talyp Sport representing National Institute of Sports and Tourism of Turkmenistan, were the best among 10 teams divided into three groups although Denizchy and Migration teams thought to be the claimants for honourable prize before the beginning of the competitions. However, representatives of Turkmenbashy International Seaport (winners of Turkmenistan Cup) and the team of the State Migration Service (winner of Ashgabat Championship) have faced serious competition from their ambitious opponents.

According to the regulations, two teams from A Group and one team from both B and C groups were to be qualified for the playoff.

The A Group had Migration (the State Migration Service), Gumrukchy (the State Custom Service), Milli Goshun from the Ministry of Defence and Talyp Sport representing National Institute of Sports and Tourism.

Kopetdag team of the Ministry of Interior, Senagatbank and Dayhanbank were in the B Group while the C Group included Denizchy, Serhetchy (the State Border Guard Service) and Nesil representing the Institute of the Ministry of Interior of Turkmenistan.

In the A Group, the leader were have been defined right after the first round. It were the Migration and Talyp Sport. After the second round, these teams have claimed for themselves two first place giving the right to play in the semi-final. The third round of group competition was just a formality but many futsal fans thought of it as the rehearsal to the final. Milli Goshun and Gunrukchy, which was out of the competition, had of the most spectacular match of the Group tournament.

In the first round of the B Group, the fans have seen the contest, which would be remembered as banking derby. It resulted in 4:4 draw. This result have not been improved until the end of the tournament. Kopetdag team of the Ministry of Interior led by the frontman and scorer Ussat Annamyradov, has distinguished itself on the background of the teams of banking sphere personnel. It did not leave any chance to the opponents on t=its way to the playoff.

In the C group, the club, which eclipsed the opponents with its game, has also been defined. Despite the expectation of numerous experts, it was not Denizchy but Nesil. The team of future personnel of the Ministry of Interior has set the record of the Cup by the number of goals in one match. Players of Nesil scored 13 goas to Serhetchy! The score of the match against the team of Turkmenbashy International Seaport was also devastating 5:1!

By the result of the group round, the semi-final pairs were as follows: Talyp Sporty vs. Kopetdag and Nesil vs. Migration. Talyp Sporty, which has an exemplary performance in the group round, did not yield Kopetdag in the match for the qualification to the final. The result was 5:4 to the favour of the students of National Institute of Sports and Tourism by the end of the match.

Representatives of the Institute of the Ministry of Interior and the State Migration Service met in the second semi-final. Regulation time of the match has ended up with 3:3 score and Nesil took over in the series of penalties where the chances were equal.

Therefore, Talyp Sporty and Nesil has met in the final while Kopetdag and Migration were contesting for the bronze. The regulation time in the match between Kopetdag and Migration has ended with 2:2 draw and 4:3 by the penalties.

The final game has drawn special attention. Its players successfully took over all opponents on the way to the final. Bright attacking style of the game allowed both teams to score 45 goals.

Both teams have been studied each other during first minutes of the match. Unlimited desire and ideas of the coach headquarter of National Institute of Sports and Tourism to deserved victory over Nesil with 2:1 score.

The prizes have been awarded to the best goalkeeper of the tournament (Charymyrat Ovezgeldiyev from Nesil) and best scorer (Ussat Annamyradov from Kopetdag) by the result of the Turkmenistan Futsal Neutrality Cup. The first of them missed the least number of goals while the second scored more goals, 7 in total.