Ï Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up

Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up

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Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Results of the contest among representatives of different genres of art are summed up
Summing up the results of artistic contest, where artists, photographers, designers and ceramic potters took part, have been held in the Museum of Visual Arts.

Photos of Muhammet Annamammedov, the traveller who tries to tell about sanctuary place of Turkmen nature and who achieved the highest skills in photographing, took obvious lead in “Wonderful Places of Turkmenistan” nomination. He walks dozens of kilometres, crawls through narrow clefts of Koytendag rocks to make unique shot and images of canyons and underground lakes presented by him at the photo exhibitions in our country and abroad are worth it. This is fantastic! This is the association that comes to one’s mind after looking at his works. Is it true that such wonderful, seems like alien landscapes, are next to us?

However, excellent memorable works are in the portfolio of every contester. Two of them belong to the camera of Hasan Magadov. These are “Migrating Birds” and “ Surprise of the Desert”.

The advantage of men to depict the arms is contested by Gulnaz Rozykulova in her work. The artist presented “Warrior’s Armour” to the visitors, where she pictured tiniest details of jewellery incrustation with such precision that swords and daggers look real but not drawn on the canvas by woman. “Warrior’s Armour” is not the only work of the artist dedicated to ancient weapon at the exhibition. Her passion in armour is based on the admiration of filigree technique of ancient armourers and jewellers.

“National Games” cycle of Vera Gylliyeva and Valdimir Bagdasaryan was made up of works drawn this year. Looking at four pictures presented by them, you realize that the artists were inspired by slogan of 2018 “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”. The spouse went to China where they were watching bulls fighting. Having reflected bright impressions in their new work, the artists continued this subject, having recollected the contests of quails in Afghanistan as well as dog fighting that is arranged in rural areas of our country…

Without changing her romantic style, Maral Annanurova presented modular picture narrating about the role of Turkmen women in the history of the country. It goes without saying that it portrayed beautiful amazons defeating the enemy not only by arms but also by their striking beauty, and the Great Silk Rod, and maternity subject reflected via the picture of female eagle protecting the eggs on the nest, and fast race of ahalteke horses. The work is portrayed in harmonious pink and blue shades reflecting tender attitude of the author to the character of her picture.

On the opposite, Valentin Kudryshov presented “Orange Landscape” in the avant-garde style. Weird creases of hills of orange colour cast same weird shadows on the opposite side of the gorse. The road running along the Kopetdag foothills is covered with thick layer of small pebbles shining under the sun. There are also the tress unknown to modern science. This landscape is east to take for the illustration to fantastic story if there would not be the camels and vehicles, which we used to see.

The hosts of the exhibition and contest, the Ministry of Culture and Turkmenistan Artist Union, named 17 winners in various nominations. There are the authors of the works, which we spoke of, among them as well as Gulshirin Hanova, Ishanguly Ishanguliiyev, Tuvak Shaedova, Ahmet Tahrykuliyev, Robert Kozubov and other. They all received the Certificates of Honour and memorable gifts during award ceremony.