Ï International forums in cultural tourism spheres – the way to system dialog

International forums in cultural tourism spheres – the way to system dialog

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Grounds of big forums in humanitarian direction including in cultural and tourism sphere in Turkmenistan are considered as the main mechanisms for activation of international cooperation, exchange of practice, wide popularization of achievement of the country. This has received special importance this year in the context of slogan “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”.

Conferences, exhibitions, seminars and festivals, which were held in our country and abroad in 2018, have been aimed at deep study and wide popularization of national heritage and modern achievements of the country in the world. This activity provides objective evaluation of historical way of Turkmen nation, understanding of huge contribution of the nation to the world cultural progress.

Turkmen – Chinese forum held in Peking in the first decade of February on cooperation in tourism, which was organized by the Embassy of our country to the PRC together with the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Tourism and Chinese companies Shuangxiong and Beijing, was exemplary in this context. The meeting has brought together the representatives of government structures, businessmen specialized in this sphere, marketing specialists, experts, air carriers as well as Chinese mass media. Turkmen delegation included managers of leading tourism companies and hotels.

The main objectives of the forum is to support the establishment and development of beneficial cooperation in tourism sphere, systematic dialog between the state authorities in this field, business communities, profile organizations of two countries, to popularize and to promote tourism potential of Turkmenistan in China.

Specific proposals on activation of the partnership, especially in organization of cultural and education tours for familiarization with historical and architectural attractions of Turkmenistan and China, with traditions and heritage of our nations have been made at the forum.

Exchange of the visions on cooperation in development of special tourist packages for citizens of the PRC taking into account their interests and wishes, advertisement and informational support of Turkmen tourism products to the market of China has also taken place. Contracts and agreements, which would support the expansion of tourism business between Turkmenistan and China, have been signed by the outcomes of the forum.

International scientific conference and festival “Ancient Sources of Musical Art” in Ashgabat on April 18 – 19 was significant input to the development of cultural and humanitarian dialog. It brought together humanitarian scientists and art masters from 13 countries. Russia, USA, France, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Korea, India, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have delegated their representatives to the forum.

More than 50 reports on current subjects such as cultural interference, comparative analysis of musical sources, use of modern technologies in protection of original audio and video materials and their spread, popularization of spiritual heritages of the peoples of the world have been presented during plenary and thematic sessions. Interesting information about ancient history of Turkmen musical traditions has been presented. The participants exchanged the visions of protection of unique folklore monuments.

Cultural cooperation was continued under round table meeting as well as master classes, which have been given by foreign members of the forum for students and tutors of Turkmen National Conservatory and Turkmen State Culture Institute.

Opening ceremony of exhibition “Margiana: The Kingdom of the bronze Age on the territory of Turkmenistan” organized by the Museum of Pre-historical Period and Early History, which is of the departments of Berlin State Museums Association, in cooperation with the ministry of Culture of our country took place in Berlin New Museum on April 24.

The artefacts, which were exhibition for the first time abroad, included high artistic items made of stone, metal, ivory and clay, finest porcelain jugs of sophisticated shape and statuettes of gods of pagan pantheon, which accompanied the residents of Gonur and other ancient Margiana settlements. The exhibition also demonstrated the works of famous German photographer Herlinde Koelbl who made the series of photos about archaeological excavations and facilities of Ancient Merv, impressive landscapes of Murgab Oasis and museum values of Turkmenistan.

After berlin, the exhibition was moved to Hamburg. The exposition is available in Hamburg Archaeological Museum for four month from November 1 and after, in The Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen Mannheim until June 2019. Brightly illustrated catalogue has been published for this event.

Not a single profile forum in our country or abroad is held without the demonstration of the potential of tourist industry of Turkmenistan. In this case, the exhibition timed to Turkmen – Uzbek high-level meeting and held in Uzbexpocentre in the last decade of April is worth mentioning.

Displays dedicated to the development of science and education sports, tourism, ahalteke horse-breeding and carpet making as well as to Avaza National tourist zone and tourist routes on the territory of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan including along the great Silk Road, were very popular at the exhibition.

2018 was full of events proving the priority of sphere of national culture in the widest understanding.

Professional Holiday of cultural and art personnel, which is observed June 27 according to the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, was united with the honouring of great Turkmen poet Magtumguly Fragi.

Number of events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of outstanding Turkmen composer Nury Halmamedov was held in our country and abroad, before the holiday. Tribute Concert to the memory of the musician, which left significant trace in the art of XX century, with the participation of national art masters and the State Symphonic orchestra of Turkmenistan in the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Centre has opened the festival “Music of Nury Halmamedov. Eternal Melody of Ages” organized in Ashgabat on June 18 -21. Thematic exposition, which was composed of pictures, national musical instruments, photo and archive materials, was opened on occasion of the festival/

It is remarkable that before the event, the delegation of cultural personnel has visited home village of N. Halmamedov Dayna, Magtumguly etrap, Balkan velayat where the meeting with residents of Sumbar Valley and concert of art masters have been organized. Documentary film, which demonstrations were held in Ashgabat Cinema Centre, has been dedicated to this natural phenomenon. Producers of the film spoke about the monument of outstanding composer, which was made by National Artist of Turkmenistan Saragt Babayev and installed in Dayna, having paid special attention to poetic beauty of this region. Scientific and practical conference has also been held under the festival.

Cultural Week, which traditional was timed to the Day of Cultural Art Personnel and Magtumguly Fragi Poetry, was one of central events of cultural life of the country. Annual cultural event was held in Ahal Velayat on June 22 – 27 this year. Some events of the forum were held in Turkmen capital.

Conferences in Ak Bugday National museum, library of Ahal Velayat, Gyoktepe National Museum, Art Academy, State Library of the State Cultural Centre were dedicated to current subjects of protection, study and popularization of historical and cultural heritage.

Famous singers, poets, lovers of Turkmen national music and classical poetry gathered together famous Yzgant Village of Gyoktepe etrap in the days of cultural forum.

The art of kushtdepdy dance is another part of national heritage, which due to relative work carried out on the government level has been entered to the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Heritage. Folk and choreographic collectives from different velayats of the country have demonstrated their original interpretation of this ancient dance.

Celebration of poetry and national art was held in Magtumguly etrap, Balkan Velayat with the participation of cultural personnel from all regions of the country. The delegation visited Magtumguly Fragi Museum in administration centre of the etrap and laid flowers to the monument of great poet in home village of the classics of Turkmen literature.

Stage personnel presented their works including first releases at the forum. Traditionally new opera «Huýrlukga-Hemra» was demonstrated on the occasion of professional holiday of cultural personnel in Magtumguly Music and Drama Theatre.

Participants of the Cultural Week had an opportunity to make a tour along unique architectural and archaeological monuments located in the velayat.

National Theatre Festival on July 1 – 7, which included prime releases of plays of six capital and four regional theatres, has brought bright colours to the pallet of cultural life of the country. Storylines of the legends as well as historical material from the book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” were the sources of inspiration for scene artists.

It was highlighted at the closing ceremony in the Main Drama Theatre of the country that theatre review has enriched national stage art by interesting artistic discoveries and made significant contribution to popularization of unique historical and cultural heritage of Turkmen nation.

XII International Exhibition and Fair of Printing Production and scientific conference “Book. The Way to Cooperation and Progress” organized by Turkmen State Publishing Service and the Trade and Industrial Chamber were dedicated to achievements and perspective of development of national printing industry.

The forum has united representatives of printing industry, business and literature circles from more than 20 countries. Participants of profile review shared the practice of introduction of new technologies to production of book and other printing media. Establishment of close partnership between profile structures including in training of specialists of printing industry and technologies, translations, library activity and cultural exchanges have been discussed during the exchange of opinions.

Session with the participation of national and foreign writers dedicated to the works of Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov – second volume of “yurkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” and “Worshiping of Mother, Worshiping of Sacred Thing” has been held on the grounds of the forum.

Perspective of development of tourism industry have been presented at International profile review in Avaza National tourist zone on October 9 – 10.

International exhibition “Tourism and Travelling”, which included the conference on development of cooperation in this sphere, was organized by the State Committee for tourism and the Trade and Industry Chamber. Profile review was aimed at the promotion of positions of Turkmenistan in the world tourism market and at exchange of advanced practice in this field.

Representatives of 26 states to our country on this occasion. Wide range of modern tourism services and huge capabilities of Turkmenistan in this sphere based on rich historical and cultural heritage, variety of natural attractions and unique recreational resources has been presented at the exposition.

Perspectives of cooperation in this and other directions have been discussed during plenary and sectional sessions of profile conference. Representatives of Turkmen side introduced the strategy of bringing of tourism complex to the world levels and turning of Turkmenistan into major centre of international tourism industry. The guests presented their proposals, ideas and projects, having confirmed growing interest to expansion and activation of relations with Turkmen partners in such promising spheres as tourism.