Ï Personnel of Seydi Refinery exceeds yearly plan

Personnel of Seydi Refinery exceeds yearly plan

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Personnel of Seydi Refinery completes 2018 by the export shipment of petroleum production. Annual programme of petroleum production, biggest part of which has been produced for export, is exceeded. More than 500,000 tons of gasoline, diesel fuel, heavy fuel and road bitumen have been produced for the year.

Quality petroleum production was received by the processing of crude oil and gas condensate. Specialists of the refinery were the first among profile facilities of the CIS who developed the processing of gas condensate from the deposits of Lebap Velayat in the middle of 90s of the last century. Light petroleum products made of gas condensate are on high demand in the world market. 250,000 tons of this valuable hydrocarbon material have been delivered to Seydi Refinery from Nayip and Bagaja gas processing complexes.

Production processes are gradually modernized at the refinery, new productions are opened. For the last several years, overall reconstruction of catalytic reforming unit has been made and the installation for production of high quality road bitumen has been put into operation. International tender for construction of atmospheric distillation unit with electrical desalting plant with production output of 1,000,000 million tons has been announced.