Ï Different aspects of national economy in new issue of profile magazine

Different aspects of national economy in new issue of profile magazine

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Scientific and practical magazine “Finances and Economics” presents analytical review of the main events in the branches of national economy of our country, which took place in this year, in its regular issue.

Addressed to specialists, heads of the government structures, personnel of financial and economic institutions, tax and insurance agencies, banks and private companies, political scientists and experts, the magazines, which is published in Turkmen, Russian and English languages once in two months, informs also wide circle of national and foreign readers about the success of national economy and perspectives of its development.

The issue, established by the Ministry of Finances and Economy of Turkmenistan, publishes the comments and scientific articles of the representatives of academic community, economists and managers, tutors of universities, other professionals, which competent opinion is based on experience, deep knowledge of the subject and responsibility to the solution of the objectives set by the leader of the nation.

Editorial “Permanent neutrality – the guarantee of sustainable development” opens new issue. It reflects the milestones of the implementation of foreign strategy of the Head of the State on the example of the main events both under the partnership with the UN and the integration of Turkmen economy to international economic system.

Publication “State and Private Partnership in Turkmenistan” is dedicated to the development of national entrepreneurship and also reviews the subjects of the formation of security market, privatization of the state property and establishment of free economic zones.

Important role in the aspect of international economic cooperation is given to the cooperation with regional structures and financial institutes. For example, Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation Programme, which main goal is to support Central Asia states in implementation of investment projects in transport, trade and energy, is the main direction of cooperation with the Asian Development Bank. These are priority spheres for our country as well. This subject is opened in separate material, which gives specific samples of the partnership that successfully developed in this direction.

The article about the State Budget of Turkmenistan for 2019 introduce the structure of the main financial document, its main provisions and volumes of investments of different sections of production, social and cultural sphere to the readers.

“Factor of stable economic growth” is a name of the publication dedicated to the formation of innovative high technology digital economy of Turkmenistan. In addition, new issue of the magazine contains explanatory materials on the improvement of accounting in our country under conditions of globalization, which requires the introduction of international standards in financial reporting.

Article about super modern industrial facility – “Garabogazcarbamid” Plant in Garabogaz, Turkmenbashy etrap, Balkan Velayat, speaks about the improvement of the positions of Turkmen state as major exporter of chemical production required in the world markets.

Development of banking business and crediting are raised in the publication “Savings as the sources of financial investments to the economy”. “International seaport – strategic facility for the states of Central Asia and Caspian region” article about new harbour in Turkmenbashy and its importance in assertion of our country in the status of the largest transport and logistic hub of the continent will raise the interest of the readers.

Traditional section of the magazine “Regional Politics” presents Balkan Velayat in the focus of diversified industrial and infrastructural development. The issue is finished by review “Sustainable Development Goals – fundamental principles of foreign course” and scientific article about the measures of mathematic modelling in the system of public service, which would attract the attention of young financiers, student and heads of organizations in service sphere.