Ï Work for development of lands around Altyn Asyr Lake to be activated

Work for development of lands around Altyn Asyr Lake to be activated

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Importance and scale of manmade Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake, which is built in the centre of Karakum Desert, a grandiose ecological and hydrological project aimed at the improvement of the environment, rational use of water and land resources, have been mentioned at the video conference session on January .

This important ecological project is represented by the creation of single system of drainage collectors for targeted collection of drain waters from irrigated lands in all regions of the country and diversion of these waters to natural Garashor Depression, which is located in the northwest of Turkmenistan. The depression is located in Balkan Velayat. At present, it contains around 580 million cubic meters of water.

Due to precise operation of drainage collectors, used water flows to Altyn Asyr Lake from agricultural fields of the country, which leads to the improvement of the soil condition of the fields, increment of agricultural crops production, enrichment of local flora and fauna. In general, all of these enhance the level of ecological safety of the environment and provides social wealth of Turkmen people.

In this regard, the Head of the State outlined number of topical objectives that are to implement efficiently the existing potential of water management sector of the country and to support the improvement of its activity. It includes the implementation of modern irrigation methods to agricultural production taking into account natural and climate conditions, advanced technologies and rational water use, improvement of soil fertility and other.

Turkmen leader ordered relative officials together with scientists and specialists to study the condition of Altyn Asyr Lake, to find out exact volume and quality of water collected in the lake for its further use in agriculture, special features of agricultural crops grown in this region, etc.

Therefore, it is necessary to make detailed scientific studies related to use of water on the lands resistant to salinization as well as activation of works for development of livestock farming, in particular camel breeding, in the areas adjoin the lake, fishery, etc.

The Head of the State addressed the Hyakim with specific assignment to study and prepare scientifically based proposals on the opportunity to establish farming associations next to the lake, which would cultivate vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops and would breed fish as well as to make clear recommendations for active development of lands adjoining giant manmade water reserve and rational use of huge water resources of the lake.

It was highlighted that being important from ecological point of view for our country and entire Central Asian region, all of these is a significant direction of ecological policy and water diplomacy of Turkmen state.