Ï Modern hothouse complex is opened in Lebap Velayat

Modern hothouse complex is opened in Lebap Velayat

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New hothouse farming complex of member of the “BEK” Individual Enterprise, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, supplemented the structure of agricultural production of Lebap Velayat. It was opened in Dostluk Farming association of Charjew etrap by M. Jumakuliyev.

Modern hothouse complex, which is provided with necessary equipment and innovative technologies, was built on two hectares. Its opening will give additional work places. Cultivation of cucumbers and tomatoes has started in the complex.

At present, there are 10 big modern hothouse farms in Lebap Velayat, which grow wide variety of fruits, vegetables and flowers. They play the key role in saturation of food market of the velayat with high quality vegetables and in supply of production to other regions.

Entrepreneurs from Lebap have started promoting their production to foreign markets. For example, specialized business entity in Charjew etrap owned by R. Abdullayev madethe first shipment of vegetables and strawberry to Russia and Kazakhstan.

Owing to integrated government support, construction of modern hothouse farms provided with innovative technologies is growing in Amudarya Valley as well as all around the country. At present time, another 19 similar farms are built in Lebap Velayat by entrepreneurs. They are all planned to be opened this year.