Ï Network of modern hothouse farms expands in Mary Velayat

Network of modern hothouse farms expands in Mary Velayat

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Network of modern hothouse farms expands in Mary Velayat
Hothouse complex for growing of vegetables was put into operation in Mary Velayat. The facility was built in Mary etrap in the context of realization of the programmes of increment of import substitutive and export oriented production.

Construction of hothouses, which are able to provide the population of cities and rural areas with fresh fruits and vegetables, was expanded in all regions of Turkmenistan these days. Representative of private section, to which the Government renders integrated support in implementation of business plans, act more actively in this field of agriculture. «Sada türkmen» Individual Enterprise – the member of the UIET, is the customer and general contractor of current project.

The hothouse occupies 8 hectares and is designed for provision of 500 quality, environmentally friendly production per year. Materials with high heat insulating features and long operational life were used in construction of the facility. The hothouse is provided with high technology equipment, automatic systems of temperature, light, humidity and fertilization provision.

Special feature of the complex is that it has its own apiary. Bees will be used for pollination of agricultural crops, which is important in ecological context. In addition, such approach will increase the production, reduce the labour expenses and provide high economic effect – income, fast financial recovery and good profitability.