Ï The UIET develops the projects for increment of confectionary production

The UIET develops the projects for increment of confectionary production

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Projects for increment of production volumes of confectionary are under development in the country. The Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs builds the facilities for replacement of the import of this production. It was informed to the Head of the State by Vice-premier at the session of the Government on January 11.

38,324 tons of confectionary have been produced in the country last year. 30,423 tons have been made by private companies. The production under such famous trademarks as Hasar, Oguzkhan, Bars, Tyaze Ay, Nagmat is on high demand in foreign markets, in 2018, the import of confectionary to Turkmenistan reduced almost two times.

The proposals of the members of the UIET are related to the expansion of the variety of chocolate production, flour confectionary, etc. in particular, it is proposed to build three facilities in Ahal Velayat as well as to modernize existing ones introducing new production lines.

After implementation of the these projects, which are planned to fulfilled by private and credit finances, the production of confectionary will increased by 13,800 tons per year. The excess of the production is planned to be exported. Additional working places will be created after putting of new facilities, which would be provided with advanced equipment from the leading European companies, into operation.

Having studied the projects, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted growing role of Turkmen business in import substitution sphere and increment of export potential of the country, having highlighted the necessity to intensify analytical component in marketing strategy of Turkmen business. In this regard, the Head of the State ordered to elaborate on proposed projects for establishment of new confectionary facilities in details taking into account the consumer demand in the country and the situation in the foreign market and to find optimum sale links of this product.