Ï Rysgal JSCB plans to introduce the system using QR-codes and become the member of Master Card

Rysgal JSCB plans to introduce the system using QR-codes and become the member of Master Card

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At present, number of users of Internet-Bank and Mobil-Bank services of Altyn Asyr payment system, which are used by the clients to manage their bank accounts and make remote payments of different services, is growing. In the nearest future, Rysgal Joint Stock and Commercial Bank is planning to introduce payment method using the QR-code. This information was given at the session of the Government of January 11.

Having informed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about preparation works related to the joining of this bank to the members of Master Card international payment system, Vice-premier G. Myradov presented national samples of banking cards designated for users of this system to the President of Turkmenistan for review.

In this regard, it was noted that stable development of banking sphere is one of the key factors of the provision of competiveness and dynamic development of national economy, successful integration of our state to the system of the world economy.

Expansion of list and improvement of quality of banking services including on international level, introduction of advanced practice and innovative technologies have been outlined among perspective directions. Having generally approved the samples of cards of Master Card international payment system for local users, the President addressed the Vice-premier with number of instructions.