Ï Production of fuel and energy complex, construction materials and textile are on the top of the exchange trades

Production of fuel and energy complex, construction materials and textile are on the top of the exchange trades

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36 transactions have been registered at the trades of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of Turkmenistan.

For foreign currency, brokers from Russian have bought polypropylene and polyethylene. In addition, businessmen from Russia, UK, UAE, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Malta and Afghanistan have purchased technical sulphur (The State Concern Turkmenhimiya). Motor vehicles, Portland cement, colourless glass, licorice extract, beddings, cotton fabrics and yarn have been sold to Hong Kong, Turkey, Serbia, Estonia, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. Total amount of transaction was around 17,500,000 US dollars.

For manats, businessmen from Russia, UK and Turkey have bought knitted products, cotton yarn, teas drink with licorice to total amount of more than 546,000 manats.

For local market, representatives of Turkish business circles have bought gasoline to the amount of around 159,000 US dollars while local entrepreneurs have procured petroleum bitumen (Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex) to the amount of 1,365,000 manats.