Ï The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary

The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary

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The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan observes 27th anniversary
As for today, National Army includes motorized, tank, missile forces and artillery, Air Forces and Navy, marines, anti-aircraft, special forces civil defence and rescue works divisions and other.

Recently, territorial defence troops designated for protection of important government and strategic facilities have been formed up in National Army according to the order of the Head of the State.

The Supreme Commander of the country periodically makes spontaneous inspections of military divisions bringing the troops to combat readiness as well as inspects military equipment and armaments.

Being the Army of the country committed to the status of permanent neutrality with peaceful foreign policy, the Armed Forces became the stronghold of stability in Central Asian region. New Military Doctrine adopted by President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in 2016, which has exclusively defensive character, provides the concept of security of the state, further development and modernization of National Army, mastering of new armament and specialized equipment, formation and improvement of equipment and facility base of military divisions.

New building of military divisions, barracks, training grounds and centres for professional specialists as well as comfortable living for officers and their families are built every year.

The weapon stock of the army is renewed by regular supply of modern machinery and equipment, which require comprehensive training of military personnel. In this regard, special attention is paid to the process and methods of training in high educational institutes and training centres of the Defence Ministry.

Today, the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan have squadrons of fighting airplanes and helicopters, anti-aircraft rocket complexes, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armoured troop carriers, artillery, different modifications of firearms and grenade launchers. National Army has tactical drones, which are able to solve different reconnaissance and patrol tasks and protection of the state borders. Marine borders, territorial waters and economic interests zone of Turkmenistan in Caspian Sea are protected by battleships and missile boats.

All of these require skilful specialists, the professionals in their sphere. Taking it into account, the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defence, Berdimuhamed Annayev 1st specialized military school and other specialized training facilities produce the professionals with excellent skills of their science annually. In addition, during the training, young officers master civil professions, which can be useful in everyday life.

Level of education, profession, sport achievements as well as preferences of military forces of the recruits are taken into consideration during the enrolment to military service. At present time, the preference of future soldier is considered at maximum level, which is another evidence of the reform in the Armed Forces of the country.

In addition, privates and sergeants master one of civil specialities necessary in national economy of Turkmenistan during the service, which makes them on high demand after discharge.

The Defence Ministry issues Milli goşun (National Army) social and political magazine every quarter, which has the information about the measures for strengthening of defensive capability of the State, progress of military reform, sport and cultural achievements of military personnel, etc.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demands to pay special attention to combat training and improvement of military and technical training of personnel as well as to educational and patriotic work in the army. “Only comprehensively educated, technically and politically literate military specialists is able to be a guarantor of the integrity of sacred borders of our country and territorial integrity of independent neutral Turkmenistan”, - the Head of the State highlight.

Colossal work for creation of proper conditions for service and life of the Motherland defenders is carried out. New modern facilities are built in military camps and frontier outposts; the barracks of military division has all amenities. Construction of living is carried out with high rates, numerous military personnel families received new comfortable apartments every year.

The country marks professional holiday of all military personnel and those who is related to military service – the Motherland Defender Day, on January 27.

The Armed Forces meet this remarkable date having qualified personnel, modern equipment and facilities base and latest military and specialized equipment, high level of patriotism, education and mastering of modern technologies are character features of Turkmen officers, the warriors who stand on guard protecting the state borders and peaceful life of compatriots.

President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that today’s Motherland defender is a military personnel who love his country and have all necessary skills and knowledge making considerable contribution to the implementation of defensive Military Doctrine, which allows Turkmenistan following its foreign course based on permanent neutrality, principles of peace, goodwill and democracy in XXI century.