Ï Turkmenistan citizens to meet cultural traditions of Saudi Arabia

Turkmenistan citizens to meet cultural traditions of Saudi Arabia

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Days of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be held in Turkmenistan on April 18 – 22. Number of events aimed at the development of humanitarian dialog of two friendly countries is planned under cultural action.

Opening ceremony of the event will be held in the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Centre. The programme of cultural event includes the performance of folk collective from Saudi Arabia in Watan Cinema and Concert Centre, exhibition of decorative and applied art items, national dress and photos in the Museum of Visual Arts of the capital, meeting of the artists of two countries and master classes for students.

Representatives of scientific circles of Saudi Arabia will make reports in Magtumguly Turkmen State University dedicated the importance of the Silk Road, historical and cultural relations of Turkmenistan with the countries of the Arabian Peninsula.

The guests will be introduced with museum expositions and attractions of Turkmen capital, monuments of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Ancient Merv. Artists of friendly country will also give concert at the stage of the Kemine State Drama Theatre of Mary Velayat.

Further expansion of interstate cooperation in humanitarian sphere will be discussed during the meeting of official delegation of Saudi Arabia in the Ministry of Culture.