Ï Turkmen horse riders perform with success in Bahrain

Turkmen horse riders perform with success in Bahrain

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Turkmen horse riders perform with success in Bahrain
Turkmen horse riders perform with success in Bahrain
Turkmen horse riders perform with success in Bahrain
Turkmen horse riders perform with success in Bahrain
Turkmen horse riders perform with success in Bahrain
Turkmen horse riders perform with success in Bahrain
Turkmen horse riders perform with success in Bahrain
Turkmen horse riders perform with success in Bahrain
By the invitation of the King of Bahrain, Galkynysh National Equestrian Group took part in the opening ceremony of International livestock exhibition Mara'ee-2019, which is held annually in Manama, the capital of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

High-level invitation was made in March this year during the state visit of the King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa to our country when he visited International Ahalteke Equestrian Centre where he saw the performance of Turkmen horse riders.

Soon after this, the delegation of the members of the groups Galkynysh of the Turkmen Atlary State Association and Turkmen Riders of the State Circus visited the Kingdom of Bahrain where the show of our horsemen, who demonstrated national art of horse riding, had great triumph.

Specialized aircraft brought the group of riders and ten horses to Manama. The delegation of Turkmenistan was welcomed with hospitality and cordiality. All conditions for preparation of horses and riders to the performance were made. Special arena has been built at the place of the opening ceremony of International exhibition.

The King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa, members of the Government and other officials, high-rank guests from Arab countries, numerous citizens of Bahrain came to the opening ceremony of Mara'ee – 2019.

Entry of four riders with the flags of Bahrain and Turkmenistan was the adornment of the ceremony. Having made a round of honour, they greeted the King of Bahrain. This fact immediately attracted the attention of the public and raised keen interest.

It was followed by spectacular performance of numerous winner of international and world festivals, famous Galkynysh Group.

Once again, Turkmen horse riders won the audience with inflaming performance, which was met by loud applauses. Gracious speed of magnificent horses, striking stunt and boldness of young men and women have turned the opening of the exhibition to unforgettable show.

Horse Akhan, which was entered to the Guinness World Record Book, made unforgettable impression of the participants of the ceremony, having marched in front of the participants as if dance under the tunes of dutar. Horse Kanun, which reared and showed the ability to make complex exercises, has also raised plenty emotions. Performance of the youngest member of the group on horse raised special feelings.

Party trick of our brave riders, which was performed outstandingly under the song by music and lyrics of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Go, Go, Go, My Dear Turkmenistan!” was the final cord of the performace.

Multi-level acrobatic pyramid of the horsemen built on the back of two horses running around the arena and the flags of Turkmenistan and Bahrain flying in their hands raised great emotions of the public.

After the performace, the King of Bahrain met with the members of Galkynysh Equestrian Group and conveyed the best greetings to Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

This is personal participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in revival and development of the art of ahalteke horse breeding, due to which the glory of our horses, which are national heritage of Turkmen people, continue triumph march along the countries and continents.