Ï People of Turkmenistan Get to Know Traditions of Saudi Arabia

People of Turkmenistan Get to Know Traditions of Saudi Arabia

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People of Turkmenistan Get to Know Traditions of Saudi Arabia
People of Turkmenistan Get to Know Traditions of Saudi Arabia
People of Turkmenistan Get to Know Traditions of Saudi Arabia
People of Turkmenistan Get to Know Traditions of Saudi Arabia
People of Turkmenistan Get to Know Traditions of Saudi Arabia
People of Turkmenistan Get to Know Traditions of Saudi Arabia
People of Turkmenistan Get to Know Traditions of Saudi Arabia
People of Turkmenistan Get to Know Traditions of Saudi Arabia
Co-organized by the Ministry of Media of Saudi Arabia and the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan, Culture Days of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have officially opened in Ashgabat.

Senior officials and specialists of cultural institutions, performing groups, and craftsmen arrived in Turkmenistan to participate in the Days, intended to promote closer Turkmen-Saudi humanitarian contacts.

Areas of further cooperation were discussed at the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan during a meeting with members of the friendly country’s official delegation.

The opening ceremony of Culture Days of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia took place at the Mukam Palace. Among those in attendance were representatives of artistic circles, local communities, diplomatic missions accredited to our country, media outlets, performing artists, teachers and students from specialized higher education institutions.

Speaking at the ceremony, members of the Saudi Arabian delegation highlighted mutual interest in the rich heritage of the two nations that have long-standing fruitful relations.

As noted, the cultural activities will contribute better to the mutual enrichment of cultures and will help to enhance cooperation between the two countries’ artistic circles.

A concert given by the friendly country’s performing artists at the Mukam Palace was the first event of the Days. Its program included performances by folk instrumental and vocal ensembles, performing folk melodies and lyrical songs.

Colorful national costumes of the artists and the distinctive sound of old musical instruments added a unique flavor and sparkle to the performances. Thunderous applause from the audience was the expression of admiration for the dazzling musical prowess of the guests passing down their national traditions from generation to generation.

This spectacular concert definitely offered the people of Turkmenistan a welcome opportunity to get closer and learn more about the heritage, modern life and customs of the people of Saudi Arabia.

As part of Culture Days of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Turkmenistan, the Museum of Fine Arts will host exhibitions of engravings and photographs. Ashgabat residents and guests to the capital will have a chance to see national costumes, fabrics, souvenirs and other works by Saudi craftsmen. The Museum will also host a meeting of artists from the two countries and a master-class for students of the Academy of Arts.

A meeting between representatives of the countries’ scientific communities will take place in Magtymguly Turkmen State University’s conference hall. Scientists from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will also speak on the importance of the Silk Road and the promotion of relations between Turkmenistan and the Arabian Peninsula. Folk and musical bands will give performances at Watan Cinema-Concert Hall.

The cultural program for the guests includes visits to the museums, sightseeing tours of the Turkmen capital, and a visit to the Ancient Merv State Historical and Cultural Park. Artists from Saudi Arabia will perform in the Kemine Drama and Music Theater in Mary.