Ï Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics

Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics

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Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Culture of Saudi Arabia: Oriental originality and elegant eclectics
Exhibition introducing the traditions and culture, ancient and modern history of Arab state, which territory has the main Muslim sanctuaries, was opened under the Days of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Turkmenistan in the Museum of Visual Arts.

The exposition gave an opportunity to make visual tour around the monuments of architecture and sacral facilities, to see the attractions of Riyadh, its skyscrapers in modern style, effective road intersections and to experience the traditions of historical districts of Saudi capital.

The interest of the visitors was attracted by expressive works of avant-garde artist Muhammet Ribat. One of the works pictures a magnificent Arab horse flying above the ground as a bird. To the surprise of Ashgabat visitors of the exhibition, having taken out acrylic paints, Muhammet created an abstract composition right in front of them. Creation of new work became true master class for the student of the Academy of Arts.

Works of Arabic artist Wael Al Subael has also raised the interest of younger generation of Turkmen painters. First, he demonstrated disposable paper cups with the portrays of outstanding people of his country and afterwards, by the request of the student, Wael spoke about the technique of making his pictures. The peers, which were united by love to painting, found common language and communicated easily without interpreter.

In the meantime, artist Al Amri Bandar Al Shamani was making business card in Arabic calligraphic style writing the names of those who wished in fancy Arabic script.

Collection of national dress of Saudi Arabia including men and women wedding dress as well as child costume was one of the brightest sections of the exhibition.

Artist Hochya Al Khalifa has demonstrated the art of mehendi – body painting with henna, which attracted huge interest of women who expressed the interest to become models for original body-art. Next to her, Zeynab Al Mahauzi gave master class on stencil technique of making pictures.

It is not a secret that Saudi Arabia is rich for the dates, loved by many people, which were presented in gastronomic section of the exposition.

Suddenly, the exhibition hall was filled up the smell of bakery. It was a guest from Saudi Arabia who treated the visitors with national flat bread – fluffy pancakes with honey, which were made in front of the public.

Sweet tones, which supplemented the mosaic of impressions from familiarization with historical and cultural traditions of Saudi Arabia, highlighted the atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding of the nations of two countries.