Ï Sportsmen of Tai Boxing and Mix Fight Federation perform with success at Open tournament in Kharkov

Sportsmen of Tai Boxing and Mix Fight Federation perform with success at Open tournament in Kharkov

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European Open Tai Boxing and Mix Fight Championship was held in Kharkov on April 22 - 26. Teams from 10 countries as well as Turkmenistan National team comprising of 16 sportsmen took part in the competitions.

Our sportsmen have demonstrated good level of training and won the prizes deservingly competing in different age and weight categories.

6th grade school studentSeydulla Akmammedov in 45 kg weight category, 10th grade school student Sapar Amangeldieyv (50 kg), 11th grade student Maksat Rejepov (60 kg), 1st grade student of National Institute of Sports and Tourism of Turkmenistan Bahram Orazmammedov (60 kg), representative of the Tai Boxing and Mix Fight Federation Merdan Pirmamedov, 2nd grade student of National Institute of Sports and Tourism Dovran Atayev (84 kg) won gold medals.

11th grade school student Ysmail Dovletov in 55 kg weight category, sportsman of the Tai Boxing and Mix Fight Federation Rustem Hudaykuliyev (56 kg), 1st grade student of National Institute of Sports and Tourism of Turkmenistan Kemal Dovletov (70 kg) and 10th grade school student Begzada Meredov (75 kg) were the winners of silver medals.

10th grade school student Tirkeshgeldy Garajayev, sportsmen of the Tai Boxing and Mix Fight Federation Batyr Bayramgeldiyev (60 kg) and Ara Egenov (70 kg), 8th grade student Adyl Sahedov 965 kg), 3rd grade student of National Institute of Sports and Tourism of Turkmenistan Mekan Jumabayev (70 kg) and 1st grade student of Turkmen State Architectural and Construction Institute Dovran Bayramsahedov (+75 kg) won the bronze.

By the results of the competitions, Turkmenistan team is on the second position in the tournament table.