Ï CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams

CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams

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CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
CIS humanitarian forum finishes with concert at the Palace of Mukams
XIV Forum of the Creative and Scientific Intelligentsia of the CIS Member States, organized in frames of Turkmenistan’s presidency over the Commonwealth of Independent States closed.

On the second day, the work of the forum continued in three specialized sections, during which the participants discussed the issues of further cooperation in the field of culture, science and education.

Thus, the session entitled “Culture of the Commonwealth: the Universal Language of Dialogue” held at the Turkmen State Institute of Culture addressed the challenges and strategies of the humanitarian partnership, covering many areas, oriented towards to the development of international relations, the comprehensive spiritual and cultural development of our society, the respect for the legacy of our ancestors, the continuity of the ancestral traditions of the Turkmen people from generation to generation, the preservation of the uniqueness of national customs, the native language.

The second discussion platform “Education and Science in CIS” took place at Magtymguly Turkmen State University. The key areas of the fundamental and applied research, technological developments were presented, and innovations in the methodology of vocational training and pedagogical practice, introduced in the universities of Turkmenistan and the CIS member states were discussed.

The third section was devoted to the current Year of the Book in the CIS. It took place in the exhibition center of the State Library of the State Cultural Center. Forum delegates discussed such issues as the preservation and promotion of traditional book culture in the era of digitalization, the popularization of reading and the formation of media literacy, as well as literary processes in CIS.

The traditional action “Books as a Gift” took place at the State Library in the second half of the day. The CIS Interstate Humanitarian Cooperation Fund presented the publications of classical and modern literature to the State Library.

In addition, workers of culture and arts, representing different countries - artists, sculptors, composers, conductors, theater artists, etc. - gave master classes for university students and pupils of secondary arts schools in Ashgabat at the Turkmen State Institute of Culture, the State Academy of Arts, and the special musical boarding school at the Turkmen National Conservatory.

The closing ceremony of XIV Forum of Creative and Scientific Intelligentsia of the CIS Member States brought together the forum delegates at the Mekan Palace. The results of active two-day work at various platforms and in various formats were summed up and recommendations were made for the further development of humanitarian cooperation in the Commonwealth space, reflected in the adopted Resolution.

The document, in particular, calls to support joint projects in the field of preservation of the cultural and natural heritage of the Commonwealth countries, aimed at developing professional communication among specialists in history, art history, cultural studies, museum and archival affairs, restoration, and local history landscape. The importance of expanding cooperation between the institutions of science, education and culture, public associations for the comprehensive study and popularization of languages, history and national traditions of the CIS countries was emphasized.

The Ashgabat Resolution can offer a powerful impetus to new projects on the establishment of international creative groups in the field of theater, cinema, television, etc. The development of the common educational space of the Commonwealth countries, “electronic education”, and interaction in the spheres of science and innovation occupy a special place.

The Forum of Creative and Scientific Intelligentsia of the CIS member states finished with a concert, presented by the CIS Youth Symphony Orchestra at the Palace of Mukams. The team of talented and promising performers, created on the basis of the State Symphony Orchestra of Turkmenistan, presented a bright, rich programme filled with wonderful tints of different beautiful melodies, images of national cultures. The programme included the works by Turkmen musicians and composers from the CIS countries.

The representatives of three generations succeeded each other at the conductor's stand - People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, artistic director of the Russian State Symphony Orchestra of Cinematography Sergey Skripka, young Turkmen maestro Rasul Klychev and young Murtuza Bulbul Polad-ogly.

A wonderful basket of flowers was presented to the artist on behalf of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.