Ï The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess

The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess

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The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess
The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess
The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess
The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess
The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess
The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess
The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess
The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess
The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess
The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess
The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess
The Sounds of the Dutar: New Stage Production Celebrates Bakhshi’s Prowess
A stage play ‘The Sounds of the Dutar’ based on President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s book ‘The Music of Peace, The Music of Friendship and Brotherhood’ and the short novel by Nurmurat Saryhanov ‘Shukur Bakhshi’ has been premiered at the Main Drama Theater of Turkmenistan. The short novel is known to have been made into a movie ‘The Competition’ by famous film director Bulat Mansurov. “I was still a child, - Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich writes in his book, - but the movie left a lasting impression on me. I discovered that an opponent may be defeated without bloodshed, through the medium of art.

Playwright, People’s Writer of Turkmenistan Govshutgeldy Danatarov and theater director, People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Kakajan Ashirov produced a new adaptation of the deeply moving story about the power of art epitomized by the bakhshi’s talent. A tremendous emotional impact of the storyline, a brilliant cast, authentic costumes, impressive music and the director’s emphases lent the performance epic grandeur.

Shukur Bakhshi learns that his brother is held captive by a foreign khan. What should be done to free him? Opinions of his fellow villagers are divided: young valiant warriors suggest that they make an incursion into the alien land; elders advise paying ransom. But Shukur tends to think like this: many people will die if the attack is launched and the fellow villagers will have to give the last things they have. And the young musician decides otherwise: to go to the khan... with his dutar and convince him through the language of music to set his brother free.

Deep down in Shukur’s heart, new music begins to find its way out. It is imbued with the beauty of his native land, bravery, humanism, fidelity to family values and deep love...

The khan agrees to release the captive on one condition: if Shukur outperforms his musician Gasan. The ruthless ruler suggested that the reckless bakhshi compose music about a butterfly flying towards the flame. To the sounds of music one of the women came to Shukur without fear of being denounced for it.

- How can I sit still, if the sounds of your dutar turn my thoughts to my homeland, - she said to Shukur Bakhshi. - As a girl, I was abducted and taken to the foreign land. My mother is still in mourning for me. Tell her I am alive and healthy, and give her this white scarf. Hand over my son’s shoes to her, as well. There is a belief that if my mother keeps them, my son will go to visit our native land one day.

... The highly dramatic story ends with the remarkable win of the virtuoso performer, Shukur Bakhshi.

Together with Ashgabat theater goers, guests to our country – participants in the 14th Forum of Artistic and Scientific Personnel of the CIS Member States watched the performance eagerly. Impressed by Kakajan Ashirov’s bright ideas as a theater producer, original stage sets and excellent acting, the guests from the CIS asked the actor playing the part of Shukur Bakhshi if he is a professional actor or professional musician. Resul Baryev’s answer surprised everyone: he, who is in charge of a Culture Center in the village of Azadi in Balkan velayat, is an enthusiastic amateur performer, and his dutar has a special place in his life.

Everyone congratulated Resul Baryev on his dazzling debut performance. Undoubtedly, the music performed in the production won the hearts and great admiration of the audience. The crowning centerpiece was melodies by brilliant Turkmen composer Nury Khalmamedov that accentuated the unique sounds of the dutar.