Ï Construction and Architecture of Turkmenistan: Innovative ideas and expert views

Construction and Architecture of Turkmenistan: Innovative ideas and expert views

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Another issue of Construction and Architecture of Turkmenistan magazine presents new projects and trends in national urban construction sphere to wide reading audience as well as continues highlighting professional matters of project design, engineering and construction technologies, seismic safety of constructions, production of materials from local resources, etc.

The magazine, which is published in Turkmen, English and Russian languages, speaks about success and achievements of architectural and construction complex of Turkmenistan, solution of large-scale objectives set for the industry by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov supporting the development of international informational exchange in this field, implementation of advanced technical solutions of innovative scientific developments.

Published by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, the magazine is addressed not only to the specialists but to all, who is interested in architecture as in the art as this is one of the most original, expressive and necessary things for creation and transformation of living environment in conditions of time and space.

The magazine is opened by the article “Prosperity of the State – Wealth of the Nation” about the strategy of the Head of the State for development of urban and rural territories of the country, large-scale work in construction sphere, which are carried according to the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025. Multidimensional activity in this sphere includes the project of creation of industrial facilities, road system, transport and logistic infrastructure, residential estates and other social complexes.

Further, the magazine demonstrates the best projects of exhibition “Development of National Architecture” in the compilation of illustrations. This event was organized by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture for stimulation of young specialists and students who study in profile directions, for desire to personal growth and reveal of own potential, which is supported by the spirit of competitions. State project design organizations and relative universities as well as professional art studios and individual designers – the members of the Union of Architects of Turkmenistan were the participants of the exhibition.

The works of winners of artistic contest, which was held under the exhibition, bright sketches, models and drawings allows seeing the future of our cities and villages, which would be adorned by administrative and public buildings, recreation and tourist centres, fashionable hotels, landscape and parking zones, high-rise residential building and respectable cottages. The reader will also appreciate the originality of architectural ideas and design approaches, innovation of authors, both young and specialists.

Every participants of the above-mentioned exhibition, which detected many interesting and perspective ideas, demonstrated his artistic features and professional image. This is narrated in details in the publication “High Potential of Architectural Personnel”.

The theme of the article, which highlights the training of specialists in Turkmen State Architectural and Construction Institute, is continued by the material about some works of the students of design Department of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan.

Publication “By the Laws of Beauty”, which opens deep connection of modern decoration solutions of Turkmen specialists of this profile with traditions of national decorative and applied art, symbols of colours and ornaments of art carpet making, embroidery, jewellery, was dedicated to design art.

The magazine also includes the comments of experts in different directions of legal regulation in construction sphere, development of national pricing and regulatory base and improvement of price formation in this sphere as well as publications about the results of engineering and technical studies, for example, about innovative methods of making of construction material from the sand of the Karakums.

Subject of modernization of living fund, which is topical for every modern city, is reviewed in the article “Sustainable Development: Efficiency of Renovations”, which highlights the best world and national practices. Improvement of energy saving in living section of the country by use of new construction and principles as well as ecological direction, is one of the most important innovations, which is offered by Turkmen project designers.

Combination of professional views and assessments, scientific and popular approach, artistic presentation of photo materials in the content of the magazine allows editorial team of the magazine creating good intellectual product.

Specialized publication is valuable source of actual profile information, the place for promotion of profile companies in local market, reliable assistant for the clients in their decisions as well as a display of project and engineering ideas.