Ï More than 1 million tons of wheat is produced in the country

More than 1 million tons of wheat is produced in the country

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Grain producers of Darganata etrap, Lebap Velayat are the first in the region to report on fulfilment of the state objectives on sale of food wheat. More than 6,000 tons of grain were delivered to reception facilities from 2,817 hectares.

Farmers of Magtumguly Farming Association fulfilled contractual obligations by 126.5 percent and made considerable contribution to this success. They have delivered more than 30 tons of wheat to the stock. Grain producers of Turkmenistan Farming Association have delivered more than 2,000 tons of grain, having significantly exceeded their contractual obligations.

Farmers of Darganata etrap are ready to collect remained wheat from the fields and deliver another 200 tons of grain. The fields after the wheat are sown with intermediate crops at the same time.

As for today, the wheat harvest campaign has reached an important milestone - more than 1,014,760 tons of wheat have been delivered to reception facilities of the country.

Achievement of this high target give confidence that farmers will manage with the main objective of 2019 harvest, which is to collect all produced wheat without any loss and deliver 1,600,000 tons of grain to the stock.