Ï Kerki Etrap Farmers among Top Performers in 2019 Harvest Campaign

Kerki Etrap Farmers among Top Performers in 2019 Harvest Campaign

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Growers in Kerki etrap, Lebap velayat have successfully met their grain production targets.

With the area seeded to wheat totaling 11,443 hectares, tenant farmers have now harvested over 23,000 tons. Timely completion of all necessary agricultural work during the growing season and the competent management of crop-harvesting and post-harvest operations are the key contributors to their success.

High-performance agri-machinery put at the grain producers’ disposal, in particular 28 modern combine harvesters and 150 trucks were working in the fields and transporting the harvested wheat to designated centers 24 hours a day at the height of the season. To keep the machines operating at peak performance, maintenance crews provided prompt repair services. Leisure-time activities were also organized for those involved in the seasonal campaign.

Over 800 tenant farmers in Osman Sokhbetov Daikhan Association have made the biggest contribution to the success achieved in the etrap. Having grown a good yield of wheat on 2,000-plus hectares and ensured efficient harvesting, they exceeded their plan targets with a surplus of some 1,100 tons (with the target and production figures standing at 4,590 tons and 5, 680 tons respectively). The average wheat yield was 28 centners per hectare.

Farmers in Khatab Daikhan Association, who also boast impressive results, have produced 3,100 tons of wheat, having overfulfilled their production plan.

After the winter wheat was harvested, most of the fields were planted to rice, melons, watermelons, pumpkins, and second-season vegetables. This will provide local producers with additional income.