Ï Potato harvesting campaign in the norther region of Turkmenistan

Potato harvesting campaign in the norther region of Turkmenistan

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About 12,000 tons of potato have been harvested in the Dashoguz Velayat as of today that is almost a quarter of the annual target. The leader on potato production in the region - Gurbansoltan-eje Etrap is planning to harvest 12,600 tons of potato and thus, exceed the last year's figures by 3,000 tons.

Agricultural workers in S.A. Niyazov Etrap are planning to produce 10,000 tons of potato from 700 hectares. Altogether, it is planned to receive 47,600 tons of potato, an average of 140 centners from each of 3,400 hectares, sown with potato.

At the same time, onion harvesting campaign continues in the velayat. Over 3,000 tons or about 20 percent of the annual target have been already harvested.

Significantly contributing to the implementation of the state programmes to saturate the domestic market with high-quality food products of local production, Dashoguz Velayat stands as the largest supplier of various types of fruits and vegetables in the country. The components of success in the development of the agri-food segment are the optimal combination of traditional technologies of cultivation and the best world practices, modernization of the agro-industrial complex, the efficient use of land and water, a set of financial and economic incentives, and the formation of an agriculture cluster.